1. Kidnapping The King

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Word count: 1059
Harry Hook, the only son of hook, a very flirtatious pirate, a hot one aswell, and also the middle child with two sisters. He loves them, he loves his sisters. Well his older sister, Harriet, basically always takes care of him. Somehow his little sister, Cj, got a free ticket out of the isle because of her best friend Freddie who is Dr. Facilier's eldest daughter.

Anyways now Harry and Harriet are stuck on the isle, still, with their friends, Gil and Uma. Well they're more of Harry's friends but Harriet always sticks around with them.. mainly because she kinda has a crush on the "sea witch" tho she doesn't let anyone know that.

"Harry! Why aren't you awake?! Hurry up!!" Harriet shouted as she ran into Harry's room as he was still asleep on his bed. "Ugh.. Har.. Harriet 'o 'way." Harry said as his accent was very hard to understand, mainly because it was like morning and his accent was always bad in the morning.

"I don't care if you are being pouty but I saw Mal! Now hurry up we have to go tell Uma!" Harriet shouted as Harry's eyes shot open. "What?! Mal's 'ack?" Harry asked as he wiped his eyes and he got out of bed and he quickly got his clothes on.

"Jesus Christ. Why are you always almost naked in the morning?" Harriet asked, shaking her head as Harry grabbed his sword and slipped it into his sword pouch then he grabbed his hook and he held it as he walked past Harriet and onto the ship where they had lived like usual, Harry's room in between Harriet's and Cjs.

"Is dad home?" Harry asked, looking at Harriet as they walked off of the ship to get to the fish and chip. "Yeah I think he's asleep." Harriet said as they walked into the fish n chip and Harriet put her silver sword with her purple ribbon on it in the sword check and Harry did the same with his black sword that had a red ribbon on it before they went over to the bar and Harriet stood on the side like most of the costumers while Harry just jumped over to the other side.

"Oh hey guys whatcha doing here?" Uma asked as she set a plate in front of Harriet and she smiled. "Oh well-" She started but then her brother cut her off. " 'hy 'on't I get free food?" Harry said with a scoff walking over to the two ladies as Mal and her.. king were on the tv. "God I hate her." Uma said pointing at the screen.

"Yeah.. well that's what I wanted to talk about.." Harriet said as Harry took the tray of food from the two ladies. "What is it Har?" Uma asked as she had full attention on Harriet as Harry just stood there annoyed until Gil came over. "Thank god." Harry said as he grabbed a beer and took a drink.

"Yeah well we saw uh.. her." Harriet said pointing at Mal on the screen. "What?! Where?!" Uma shouted, getting like everyone's attention. "Well I saw her walking when I was heading back to the ship after taking a walk." She said as Harry just eavesdropped even tho it wasn't a secret conversation.

"Jesus god.. alright come on Harriet let's go try to see if she brought that kingy with her. Maybe we can use that to get out.." Uma said grabbing Harriet's hand with made her blush. "Alright you two bozzos." Uma said looking over at the boys who were stuffing their faces with food.

"Mmm ok!!" Gil said getting up and following them and Harry ran after them as they all grabbed their swords from the sword check except for Uma because she already had her sword and they walked out of the fish n chip as Uma was still holding Harriet's hands as they boys just watched while thinking to themselves.

"Where 're we even goin' ?" Harry asked as he messed with the Hook in his hand as he looked around and down an alley way and he saw Jay, Carlos, Evie, and even the kingy boy and he looked over at Gil and he pulled him into an alley way. " 'ome on Gilly let's ditch these girlies." Harry said smirking as Gil looked down the alley way as he saw the others and he smirked before he walked with Harry down the alley way as Evie, Jay, and Carlos were distracted Harry grabbed one of his rags and he pulled the Kingy back as he noticed him immediately and he put his hand over his mouth as he was struggling but then Harry tied the red rag around his mouth so he would stay quiet then he pushed him towards Gil and Gil took Ben and brought him back to Harry's room and he punched Ben in the face and he passed out and Gil tied him up waiting for Harry to come back.

Meanwhile Harry walked closer to the three Vks as they were looking around for kingy. " 'ookin for a wittle kingy?" Harry asked with a smirk on his face. "Harry.." Evie whispered a little but it was loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Aye ye that's a mwaa." Harry said smirking as he waved his sword at him with a tiny bow. "What did you do with Ben?!" Carlos asked as he lunched forward towards Harry as he just backed up a little as Carlos calmed down. " 'alm down pup." Harry said with a tiny chuckle as Carlos just rolled his eyes.

"Oh ye, and we 'nicked 'm." Harry said with a smirk as he launched himself towards Carlos and he barked at him a little then he started laughing as he moved back but then Jay tried to go towards Harry but Harry just went back. "If you want Ben back.. how about this? You have Mal meet Uma at the Fish n chip." Harriet said appearing behind Harry liked she had heard everything.

"Mmm sissy I had t'is." Harry said with a scoff as he just crossed his arms. "Yeah ok. Come on Harry, Gil said that you were here and he said that he needs you to go back." Harriet said as she started to walk away and Harry just followed her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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