Study! Bitch Study!

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Readers POV

"Already 2 weeks before finals again? Uh give me a break I already feel nauseous as hell."

You look around to see 3 stacks of study sheets that 3 of your teachers gave you.

One stack for algebra. One stack for geography. And one stack for science.

"Good grief, I haven't even looked at one sheet page." You say as your hand meets your face. "What to do, what to do"

Suddenly you hear a knock on the door (Knock Knock)

"Shit did I accidentally order a pizza?"

Peeking through the door hole you see a very edgy tall brown skinned boy with blue dreadlocks.

"OMG Jerfrey?!" You scream as you open the door.

The boy waves his hand up slightly above his shoulder. "Whatup, (F/N). Been a while"

Your burst of energy is suddenly gone as you find yourself waddling to the sofa. "Shit, I haven't gotten any sleep for 3 days"

Jeffrey looks at the first barely opened sheet on the table. "Uhuh" He pats you on the head. "Well take it easy we have 2 weeks after all"

You look at him with a smirk on your face. "Easy for you to say, I'm not the one that's been staying after class to get extra credit" ;)

Jeffrey makes a disgusted look at you. "Shut the fuck up, im probably the only whore you trust"

You flick him on the forehead. "Ow, bitch that hurt!" Jeffrey yells. "What was that for?!"

"That's for sleeping with the teacher" You shout.

"Damn (F/N) it was only that one time"

Your give him a tight squeeze on the arm.

"Ok ok fine...that tenth time"

"Mhm" You exclaim proudly. "Thats my little slut"

"Uhuh, Little is a big word" Jeffrey nudges you on the shoulder. "Anyway I'm hungry got any nuggets"

"Is that the only thing you eat?"


"Damn no wonder you're so skinny"

You point to the freezer. "Nuggets are in there, don't burn the house down."

Jeffrey rolls his eyes "whatever"

Jeffrey looks at the freezer door. "Ayo, you got some nice chocolate in here!"

You get up only to slam the door on his fingers.

"Ouch" Jeffrey stares at you playfully "Sharing is caring"

You roll your eyes and head up the stares. "Ima head to bed, make yourself at home."

"Yeah head to bed alright"

You give Jeffrey a menacing glare as you head up the stares"

"Grumpy much" Jeffrey mumbles.

Sangwoo x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin