Old Friends

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Chapter 6 Old Friends

Zukos pov

We walked off the ship after it docked. "So should we get the rest of the gang together, or just the two of us." I was hoping for just the two of us, but it was up to Katara.

"I don't know. We make a good team just the two of us."

"So just us?"

"I think so. If we need help we can always go find them.'' I nodded in agreement. We walked into the forest, Katara holding the map that had the last known location of the new war group. I decided to break the silence. "So how was the southern water tribe?"

"It was nice I got to spend time with my dad and Gran-Gran. You should come to see it without threatening anyone. Also you should apologize for threatening the people of the tribe."

"Good idea. I'll get right on that once we've finished with this."

"So when's Mi getting back from her vacation."

"Next week. Why do you care so much about Mai?"

"Can't I be interested in my friends' love life."

"That's almost the same thing you said back on the night of the attack."

"Well it's true. " Something I had learned when with the gang was when Katara was lying or not, and she was lying but I didn't want to press. Whatever her reason was, she would tell eventually.

"So how did Aang react when you told him you were going to be living in the fire nation as a representative?"

"He doesn't know." I was stunned. "I haven't talked to him since the celebration of the war being over one year ago."

"I always thought you two got together. At least that's what he told me when he was last in the fire nation."

"He told you what now?!"

"He told me that you two were a thing. I never believed it but as I thought about it, it made sense."

"You thought about it?"

"Umm maybe" I realized as I said it that I dug myself into a hole.

"Well I think about you and Mai so I think it's fair that you think about me and Aang. But me and Aang never happened. he did something stupid and I responded with hating him for three months."

"Three months. He must have done something really bad to have ticked you off for three months."

"He did."

"Do you mind me asking"

"Nope, go ahead."

"What did he do?"

I saw Katara take a deep breath. "Aang gave me a dress on the day of the celebration . It wasn't the dress that made me mad it was the card that came with it. The card said it was for the best girlfriend ever. Now if Aang meant a friend that is a girl he would have just said friend, but that's not what he meant. When he asked to talk to me the night of the celebration he asked why I wasn't wearing the dress he gave me. I told him it was because of the card. I also told him that he just assumed and didn't ask me if I wanted to be his girlfriend. He just did it. He didn't even ask if I wanted to be his girlfriend. He told me that he loved me but I told him that I didn't love him and I told him that it takes more then one person to have a relationship and he needed to realize that." she finished, as she moved a leaf out of her way.

"Wow I knew Aang could be an idiot, but I didn't think he could be that big of an idiot."
"Yeah. "

We came into a clearing. "This is the spot where they last were."

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