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This is jay🦟

As most of you should be aware, HOPEFULLY.
Jessie, the main owner of this account uses my version of Bel as in personality etc. I do NOT own the original drawing of Belphegor.

Here's just some about my version of his character;

•Honeybun, hun, etc (by Beelzebub)
•Your highness/majesty (by staff)
•Little brother (by Mammon)
•Sleepypop (by his headcanon daughter, Crescent)
•Belphegor, asshole, or dad (by his headcanon son, Léon.)

•Aimlessly scrolling through his phone
•Lo-fi & Shiloh
•Watching gore vids

•Mammon being upset
•Being told what to do
•People talking to him like hes a dumbass or as if he's a toddler.
•Being yelled at by his dad aka Winston



•Office staff
•Electrical worker such as making new electronics

•Mammon (Brother)
•Satan or Ozzie (Brother in law)
•Winnie & Winston (Mother & Father)
•Beelzebub (Husband/Wife)
•Léon & Crescent (Son and Daughter)

Romantic interests-
•Beelzebub (spouse)

Belphegor is a sloth like demon. He is the father of two kids Léon & Crescent and is the husband of Beelzebub.


Belphegor is a sloth demon. Hes tall and has a slight build with Hot pink, purple, & Neon blue hair. His eyes and mouth are a glowing Cyan with no visible irises or pupils.

He has very dark grey toned skin which is usually outlined in a bright cyan. And has small imp like horns that contain thin white stripes. He also has a long tail with a giraffe like tip which is a gradient from Purple to Neon blue with Hot pink stripes.

His limbs are long, thin, and black and his fingers have very sharp tips.

Although he frequently switches through clothes, Belphegor is often seen wearing a hot pink button up which is topped with a black vest that has light purple stripes that fade into cyan. The V collar on his vest is a bold cyan and his neck collar is plain black. He wears a purple bowtie that has black stripes and a matching set of black pants with hot pink ankle cuffs. His outfit also consists of a black cape with cyan stripes and a plain cyan on the inside. And black gloves lined in cyan.


By the looks of Belphegor most would see him as fun, regal and ostentatious, as would be expected by a royal of his station. He dresses in clothing befitting his role though he still tends to wear more colorful clothing. His mansion/castle is decadent containing many large paintings of himself, his family, and the sins.

Underneath all the Royal and stereotypical act Belphegor is shown to be very goofy, abusive, mean, protective, flamboyant, erratic and sensitive to certain topics. He's someone who doesn't take his royal reputation as serious as the people around him expect him to.

Belphegor can often get caught dwelling on others feelings mostly people he's close to such as Mammon, Beelzebub, Crescent & Lilith. There's times where he's too wrapped up in others feelings he fails to pay attention to the more pressing issues around him. He's even dismissed his own wishes under the belief that, as long as they were happy he was as well even though he was told otherwise.

Belphegor is also known to be very helpful even when he's on the downside of things. Wether he's on the up&up or not he always manages to be there for everyone sometimes causing him to be forgetful of himself.

Despite all the bad in him he is also gentle and nurturing to those he cares for, showing open devotion to his daughter, brother, husband and Lilith.

•Musical Talent. Belphegor is shown to be very adept at singing. He usually sings more oldies with his brother, father, and uncles as a boyband called Arrio.
•Crafting. Belphegor is very good at making things and loves tending to pottery every once and awhile.

Natural abilities-
•Demon transformation. Belphegor can turn into a huge monstrous demon with jet black skin , 4 large hands, jagged teeth, and his usual glowing cyan mouth&eyes.

Unique abilities-
•Dizzy/sleepy spell

If there are ANY further questions and/or concerns regarding my character please text me @Desirabl3 on this platform. Thank you very much and I wish you a good day, night, or evening. Good day.

A little more about my Belphegor🤍Where stories live. Discover now