chapter 39†

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y/ns pov

I threw on some random, cute clothes, grabbed a bucket hat off the hook so I could cover my hand and ran downstairs with my socks.

"y/n? where are you going?" Hiro asked, popping around the corner with his shirt off and an apron strung around his neck.

"Uhm, I have to go see kuroo about something. I'll be right back! love you, sorry for telling you to go away, I'm just stressed out!" I apologized, running past him and straight to the door, snatching my shoes off the floor before bolting outside.

I made my way to the mall first, my broken phone shoved in my pocket with my sim card in my hand.

I ran into the store and bought a phone, running back out whilst shoving the Sim card in. there was one thing I couldn't live without and that was my phone. if my phone ever broke and I couldn't get another one... the end of my life right then and there.

once I made it to the front of the college, I put the bucket hat on since I was getting annoyed by the fabric on my hand and ran inside, looking around so I didn't bump into anyone.

I ran up the stairs, all the way up to kuroos dorm and knocked on it hurriedly.
the door opened to a yawning kuroo who looked a bit wide-eyed seeing me.

"why'd you get all dressed up?" he asked, letting me inside.

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