The Big Day

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*Alberto and beatstar were sitting on a hill under the moon*

Beatstar: *sighs happily* Wow...the stars are so bright tonight aren't they?

Alberto: Not as bright as your big, beautiful purple eyes that's for sure...

*Beatstar blushes and her wings flap gently*

Alberto:...Y'know beatstar...we've been dating for...quite some time now and well I...I need to ask you something

Beatstar: what is it?

Alberto: You see, 2 years ago, you and I met and the more time we spent together, the more I felt my love for you grow and then we grew to be something more and together we formed a bond stronger than the strongest of spells and a love deeper than everything more, so my dear it is with great honor that I ask you...*gets up and gets on one knee and clears his throat* Will you Princess Beatstar Electronica Dubstep of the Techno Trolls...make me the happiest sea monster in the world...and wife? *pulls out a ring*

Beatstar: *gasps and covers her mouth* A- Alberto, I- I don't know what to say, I mean, I- i've been fantazing about this moment for so long, but never in my wildest dreams would i think it would ever come true...WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?! YES!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!! I WILL!!!!!!!!!!

*Beatstar embraced alberto tightly and they look into each other's eyes and kiss*

*A few months later*

*Giulia was busy getting beatstar ready for her wedding*

Giulia: Alright beatstar by the time I'm done with you, alberto will be drooling over you

Beatstar: Yeah *chuckles nervously*

Giulia: What's the matter?

Beatstar: *sighs* I don't know giulia...I'm just nervous

Giulia: Come on, there's no need to be nervous, everybody gets nervous on their wedding day

Beatstar: Not like this! Alberto and I have been dating for 2 years! it's usually like 4 years until they decide to get married...what if i'm not cut out to be his wife...?

Giulia: Pfft, you're being ridiculous, of course you're cut out to be his wife *places her hand on her shoulder* sarai una splendida moglie beatstar

*beatstar smiles softly*

Beatstar: Thanks Giulia

*Giulia and Beatstar hug*

*then a knock is heard at her door*

King Trollex: Hey sis, you ready?

Beatstar: *exhales softly* Yeah...I'm ready

Giulia: Well almost *places a headband with green flowers on beatstar's head over her veil* there, now you're ready

*Beatstar smiles gratefully at giulia before she goes over to join her brother*

Giulia: Go on ragazza, be one with 'berto...

*At the altar*

Poppy: Trolls, today we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Alberto and Beatstar, their strong undying love for each other is set as a wonderous example that no matter the dangers, their love would find a way...Alberto and Beatstar as you learn to live as one; you will encounter many challenges that can help you grow, Spend time doing the things that make life precious, cooperate with each other, always make time to laugh together, and never lose appreciation for the love that you share...

Our love (Albertostar oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя