how are you alive?.. (9)

Start from the beginning

,,Can i get a kiss?.." purpled asked and tommy chuckled , he sat down next to purpled and pulled Purpled gently closer by the chin

,,I love you" tommy wispered and kissed Purpled , purpled kissed back and got on his lap. They kept kissing till Tommy fell on his back and hit his head on the wall

,,Ah!" Tommy yelled in pain and held his head

,,How the hell did you just hit your head!?" Purpled laughed and tommy sat back up when Purpled got off of him

,,couldnt hold myself up anymore and my arms just like- decided to give up?" Tommy answered and hissed in pain again

,,does it hurt that bad?" purpled asked

,,kinda but whatever" Tommy smiled and took his hand away from it , Purpled looked at where Tommy hit his head and gently put a hand there. When Tommy hissed Purpled took his hand away.

,,you should problably put some ice on it" purpled said and tommy layed down

,,Naah , i can handle some pain. I litterly got stabbed and im still here" Tommy said

,,wait.. Tommy you litterly died. Your heart stopped! How are you even here now that i think of it.." Purpled asked and looked at Tommy , Tommy smiled

,,Well.. im a phoenix arent i?" Tommy joked and purpled looked at him with a serious look , tommy sighed and looked out the window

,,When i died.. i thought i would be dead forever now but.. my mother is death herself" Tommy chuckled

,,She was kind enough to give me another chance because i died saving my family. I didnt die because of the stab.. i died because someone broke in my room at night and didnt know i was there. They wanted to go and attack you guys but i was able to stop them, i screamed for the guards and they helped me but one of the guys that broke in stabbed me really deep in the chest right where i was healing.. i begged the doctors and everyone who saw that to not tell you and the others and then.. I died i guess. I already knew i was going to die now because of the deep stab , after a few hours i really was dead? But i was happy knowing i died protecting my loved ones" Tommy smiled

,,You died.. protecting us.." Purpled said

,,how can you still smile after knowing what happened.. after everything that has happened to you.." purpled asked and tommy stood up walking to the window

,,Im just how i am Purp , i always try to smile to show everyone that there is nothing to be scared of , even if it breakes me inside" Tommy shrugged and Purpled sighed

,,you really are something else" Purpled chuckled and stood up, tommy turned around to him with a smile

,,Tommy if you ever need to talk.. im here for you" Purpled said and put a hand on his cheek , tommy held purpleds hand that was on his cheek and melted in his touch

,,i know.. thank you" Tommy smiled and pulled purpled closer by his hips and hugged him

,,I love you" Tommy wispered

,,i love you too" Purpled smiled and hugged him back. Purpled layed his head on Tommys shoulder and they stayed like that for a while till it knocked.

,,come in!" tommy said and they let go , purpled sat back down on the bed while tommy stood at the window. Philza walked in the room

,,Hello you two.. can i talk with Tommy real quick?" Phil asked and purpled nodded

,,of course ,i'll be with Tubbo and Ranboo" Purpled said and left the room.

,,Hey dad.." Tommy said and Phil hugged him

,,Hey son.." Phil smiled and then let go

,,im glad your back" Phil said and Tommy chuckled

,,yea , its a mistery how hm?" Tommy said and Phil looked to him with a chuckle

,,nah , i know how. Kristen is my wife mate" Phil said and Tommy nodded

,,Yea" Tommy said with a sigh

,,Is the disease also away or?.." Phil asked

,,i dont have it anymore but if i had died because od the disease i woul have mever come back. So its good that i was dead because of being stabbed" Tommy said and Phil agreed

,,what are you planning to do to the people that broke in?" Techno walked in the room with Wilbur

,,I dont know.. they killed , tried to kill my loved ones and its my fault" Tommy said thinking

,,If you dont mind me asking.. what did you do that they did this?" Wilbur asked

,,a few years ago.. when i was out alone, after being crowned with Purpled , I was in the forest and found a Zombie village where they had lived.. One of the remaining zombies attacked me and I killed it like everyone else would have but , when they saw that they started crying and attacked me. They said that was one of their friends and they were just searching for a healing potion but now i had killed them.. since then they had tried to hunt me down" Tommy explained and they nodded understanding

,,will you let them be killed for trying to kill your loved ones and killing you?" Techno asked and Tommy shock his head as a No

,,i have other plans. But their a secret for now" Tommy said

,,alright , well have a good rest" Wilbur said and they left the room. Tommy turned around to the Window again and picked his crown up from the table , he held it in his hands and looked at it when tears strrted to fill his eyes

,,why did i kill you my friend.." Tommy wispered and a tear fell down on the crown , tommy was mad at himself and placed the crown back on the table before going to his closet and getting his day clothes out. After changing he picked up his crown and then purpled walked in

,,What are you doing Tommy?" purpled asked and Tommy smiled at him

,,i just have to speak to the people that attacked us" Tommy said and purpled looked confused

,,now? Why?" Purpled asked

,,Its importand ,i will be back later" Tommy said and left the room

,he just came back and is already doing tasks again?..' purpled thought

Tommy walked down to where the people where and the guards let him in

,,Hello" Tommy said and they looked mad at him

,,We killed you! How are you here you damn phoenix!?" One of them screamed and Tommy chuckled

,,im a phoenix like you said" Tommy answered and didnt notice that someone was listeing

,,Max , Felix and Zack. i didnt mean to kill her ok? It was an accident!" Tommy said and thwy screamed at him

,,you still killed her! You killed our friend! And how do you know our names!?" Zack yelled and tommy had enough

,,we were litterly friends years ago!! I was Theseus! Yui's best friend!!" Tommy yelled at them and they were shocked

,,If i had known it was her i wouldnt have killed that damn Zombie! And you litterly saw her walking to me!! You could have yelled to me something like ,Dont kill the zombie! we're trying to heal it' or something!!" Tommy said with tears in his eyes

,,your theseus.." Felix mumbled

,,its not all my fault shes dead." Tommy mumbled

,,Felix.. Zack.. Theseus is right , we could have screamed to him to not kill her.." Max sighed

,,Lets make a deal" Tommy said and they looked at him questioning

,,I'll let you guys start a new live here in my kingdom.. i will help you when you need me too and for that i just dont want you attacking anyone" Tommy said and they looked at eachother before looking back at tommy

,,deal.. if you help us make a grave for yui.." Felix said

,,of course. Guard open the cell and let them out please" Tommy said and they did. He walked back up with the three and they started to get along again

,,Tommy.. why are you talking and walking with the people that tried to kill us?.." purpled asked when he saw them walking out of the castle

,,Hey purp , i'll explain later" Tommy said and they contiuned to walk away.

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