Child of GOD in the world

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Child of GOD in the world. (not on this world but in this world.

Don't see people by their sin. A yesterday sinning can be died if a person is onvicted deeply by it; that leads him to repent and turn away from it where transformation takes place.

But if a person have a life cycle where sin dwell in him and he knows it was a sin but continue anyway and he was under your roof then, you are called to learn to "love" seeing GOD in them. You are there and he was there for a purpose for you and to him where GOD is in the center. You are called to live by faith in that area and not by sight. Served him for the LORD with "endurance in faith".  It is not an easy area to be put there, but GOD put people around you to "mold" you to be like His Son that conform in His commandment with the presence of Him.
You are there to be "train and transform" through LORD as your only way (His Providence, His words and His fullfilment of His words) and he was there to see GOD through you how you love him. Therefore, GOD is reaching you as He also reaching him through you by grace cause GOD is love.

It is easy to love who love you and to be christian in an area with other christian but the commandment of GOD include "love your enemy" and be a "child of GOD" in a world that all people sin against Him. And He said in scripture that He will teach you that you may know that there is GOD and none else.
The LORD is our Shepherd. He give us commandment in a way He never said we will shepherd our own. He even give us His very own Spirit to mold us and fulfill His plan and desire for us. We are not above GOD therefore we are called to "abide and trust" to Him cause salvation took place by the Savior and not by us or by our works.

May we aviod "condemning unbelievers in a way we declared they cannot be saved while they live". No, while a person is still alive he can repent even they are now in way of death like the one that crucified with Christ and believe Him. Truth truly condemned but truth can ressurect the dead; that He can condemned to made a person no condemnation or "passing through dead"; it called "circumcision of heart".

We christian can only be known in the midst of sinners through how be live as child of GOD. Remember Christ, He ate and drink with sinners and even talk to the Samaritan woman with experience of having many relationship with men without marriage. And the LORD even value maria's life who become a prostitute through forgiving her sins when she repent through tears that fall on LORD's feet and wiping it with her hair and pouring perfume in the LORD's feet (repentance only the LORD can read how sincere it is). The LORD cleanse or heal her backsliding  by taking away "seven evil spirit" that she may become new again (after that story maria's life change and we see that she depart in old ways and serve the LORD). Therefore "do not despise" people who is in your circle. The commandment of GOD is not only for christian world which is "love one another". But also for you in the world which is "love thy neighbor as thyself".

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 18, 2022 ⏰

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