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He suddenly opened his eyes as if he was on fire. He turned around to witness a tried, young faced, slightly grey skin colored man hugging him tightly while drowned in his sleep. He couldn't help but to wonder, "Why me? Amidst all his hundred thousand wives and concubines, he still chose to spend the night with me. Here." He cautiously released himself from the lord's clutch. He moved out of the enormous, wooden bed, along with the key stone, on which the lord laid still. As soon as he soundlessly sneaked out of the chamber, guilt surrounded him. He couldn't move forward. His mind went blank as if it was fully covered with fog. All of a sudden, there was a voice. It was either a ray of sunshine that cleared the way or a wave of mist blocking his path. "Do you think what you are doing is fair? That man gave you everything. He gave you a place to stay, allowed you to cultivate magic, gave you a status, and most importantly...his heart. Yet, you still betray him." That voice's words pierced Soul N-4444's illusionary heart from within. "This is not what you wanted. All of these he provided was not what you actually hoped of. You are not betraying anyone now. But if you choose to stay, you are actually deceiving  yourself." Another voice began to reason. "Do not listen to him. Stay beside Beutrus and serve him. That's the only way to show your gratitude for being treated well for the past hundreds of years." The first voice advised again. "No, listen to me. Choose yourself. Your are not content here, so leave. Today is the day. Leave. Do not miss this opportunity!" The other voice instructed. It was a war between the two voices. Soul N-4444 couldn't take it, so he sprinted as far as possible. Finally, both of them calmed down. "Fine. Let him decide. Tell me what you lack here, that you are thinking of leaving underworld." The voice demanded for an answer. "...Freedom" Soul N-4444 replied instantly. Freedom. After this phrase escaped from his mouth, the voices disappeared along with his guilt. "So this is it."  He sighed.  He took a few steps forward when his years perceived the sound of gushing fluids from near by. "I never knew that there was a liquid arsenic source near the palace." He wondered. His feet followed as his ears guided them. After a while of endless marching, Soul N-4444 finally discovered a bright red arsenic waterfall. It gleamed as it reflected all the thirty seven moons surrounding the underworld. It was a sight that Soul N-4444 wished to never forget. The scene was magical. He was amazed. "Its the first time in hundred years since I have left the palace. But this seems too easy. I wonder why." He tried to guess but couldn't find the answer. The key stone which Soul N-4444 clenched firmly began to shiver violently. The stone started shimmering. Everything went blank.

Few Hours Ago...

"This case has been adjourned." Lord Beutrus announced in an orotund voice. He swiftly stood up as his words echoed in the vast arena. "He must be waiting for me. I shall return to him as soon as possible." He thought as he stepped out of the arena. "Lord Beutrus, I believe you can't depart just now. I hope you have not forgotten that today's the day of The Foreseen-Ceremony." Informed one of the advisors. "Ah. Another responsibility. I gave to stay late today too. My heartaches to make him wait." Beutrus worried within himself. They were about to start their short journey to the forbidden gate when the two guards from earlier appeared all of a sudden to their knees. The head guard stared at the stoned ground filled with incompetence. While the two guards were pleading with their eyes reflecting each others'  fear, mistakes and the yearning for forgiveness.  "Do you think misplacing the key stone is something minor, you can seek forgiveness on your knees? Both of you shall be given with maximum punishment." roared another advisor who was about three hundred thousand years old. "Advisor K-98. Is this your court or mine?" Beutrus questioned in a calm, firm tone which made all the other authorities present there take a step backwards. "We need the key stone to complete the ceremony and open the gate. I place a decree, that our full force is granted complete permission to search the entire palace for the Key Stone... Except my chamber."  Beutrus continued. That was it. "And as for these two, I will decide their punishment after we find the missing stone." He finally stated. The order was placed and the search began. He left as soon as the last word escaped his pale lips.

"What are you doing here?" Beutrus questioned earnestly. His golden eyes which were as thin as obsidian knife blade intimidated the guard who was searching the corridor to Soul N-4444's chamber where he rested. "I...I...I am searching here, sire" replied the guard. "Shh. Who gave you permission to enter the west wing of the palace? And how many times have I told you not to treat him like a prisoner with all these guards. Do I have to repeat myself?" Beutrus shouted silently. "Sir you gave us permission to search the whole palace except your chamber." The guard argued hesitantly. "Don't you realize that you are standing front of MY chamber now. Leave. I want no one to disturb him in his slumber. Go and inform everyone." Ordered Beutrus. "Ah. He fell asleep already before I returned. I should not disturb him. He must have been tried of all the waiting. I've been disappointing him too often now." He thought as he left the corridor to the imperial courtroom.  

After an inspection, which felt like forever, the head guard returned with two pieces of bad news. "Sire, we have found nothing." He reported in a disappointed voice. "So, it looks like we can't do the ceremony today..." added Beutrus. "Very well, I'd rather say, we have wasted our energy on trying to find it. I suggest all of us should go back and rest early tonight." Beutrus joked as he instructed. "But... Sir...This is a tradition. We have to open the gate tonight, if not..." Advisor L-81 stammered. "Or what. What happened has happened. We need to wait till the new key is formed. Now it all depends on time." Beutrus concluded. "What happened has happened due to your incompetence!" Demanded a monotonous voice from Lord Beutrus's back. "Almighty!" Bowed all the advisors and guards. Beutrus turned around to greet his father. The Almighty who created the three realms. He was stunned. Before Beutrus could react, Almighty stretched his hand out, with his palm harshly colliding with Beutrus's cheeks instantly and intently. Slap. The lord of the underworld did not move or react. He was a statue. The Almighty continued complaining resulting in castigating Beutrus severely. "You are incapable to do anything. I am ashamed of you. Firstly, you lost the immortal realm to your brother, Carine, and now I think you are unfit to even rule the underworld! Remember, this is your last chance. If you fail to maintain order in the underworld, I will not hesitate to dismiss you from your position and replace you with your sister, Sinestra" Almighty barked before he left the scene. Beutrus couldn't seem to care less. But deep inside he wanted to prove himself to his father. Finally, he strolled back to his chamber. "You may leave now." He stated. "But sire,.." the head guard began. "I trust him more than anyone here and I don't like anyone treating my man like a criminal under observation. So you may leave" He explained before sending them back. Now. He was in his chamber where he laid still. Beutrus quietly placed his body on the wooden bed next his lover as his arms engulfed him. "I will apologize tomorrow." He assured himself as he closed his eyes. 

To Be Continued...

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