Quantico's Summer Camp

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Three buses rolled into Quantico's summer junior NAT training program located in, well, the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia. When the buses parked, all the kids spilled out ecstatic to begin their summer here and experience (for most of them) what their parents had to endure to become FBI agents. The kids were scattering around trying to find their duffle bags and there were two SAs trying to administer something in resemblance to calming the kids down, father daughter duo Owen and Lydia Hall. They were welcomed in with a bull horn which was given to Lydia who was calling out the names of the newbies, telling them which dorm rooms they belonged to.

An assistant stood by one of the buses and caught 3 bags and tossed them all into the center where even more bags got piled on top. A girl with wavy chocolate hair down to her shoulders and green eyes by the name of Diya jumped down from one of the buses and lit up as soon as she saw the duffles. She motioned to the two girls behind her to go to the pit.

"Kayla, Aisha! Our duffles are over there." The girls ran over there, at each other's shoulders. They stopped with a halt when they got to the pit and watched as more bags got tossed onto the already overflowing pile. "Well there they are, but how do we get them out?" asked Kayla. "Beats me," added Aisha. The girls walked around trying to figure out how to get their bags out, heaving and pulling and trying their hardest to get the bags out. Luckily for them, Renata, who they viewed as an older sister, made her way towards them, "You guys need help?". "Oh Rena thank god. These apes won't stop tossing the bags in and ours are at the very bottom," said Diya.

She chuckled before reaching down to get the strap and taking it out with one big pull and doing the same for Kayla's and Aisha's bags. "Thanks Rena!" chorused all three girls. "Welcome. Just don't get into trouble during these next few weeks," she chastised them. "I promised your parents that I'd keep an eye on you three and your brother," she said, pointing at Aisha. "No promises!" Kayla jokes. "I'll kill you. I mean it," she said as she walked away to join her age group.

The three girls grabbed their duffles and made their way to Lydia so she could tell them which dorms they were in. "I hope we're in the same dorm," Aisha said while the other two agreed. "Names?" asked Lydia, already tired of the job. "Diya Booth", "Aisha Asher", "Kayla Haas" they said. "Oh, I see what this is. It's the next generation of the mighty 10." "Except like there's a whole bunch of you missing,". "Huh?" Diya asked, confusion on all the girls' faces evident. "Let me guess" Lydia started and pointed at Kayla; "Your parents are Shelby Wyatt and Caleb Haas," and just as she was moving on to name Diya's parents she got interrupted by a loud shriek. "Uncle Caleb?! Eww." That stopped Lydia in her tracks as it was her turn to be confused. "My dad's name is Clay Haas, Uncle Caleb is his brother," she said, trying to correct Lydia.

Now embarrassed Lydia spoke up in an effort to correct her mistake, "Oh yes, sorry my bad,". "Shelby must really be getting it on with the Haas'" she muttered to herself. Afraid to make anymore slip ups she dismissed them to go inside and get started with their orientation. The girls, although confused, shrugged it off and went inside.

On the other side of the compound, a vehicle came to a stop and the back doors of the Rover opened and out came a tall man with salt and pepper hair properly trimmed, wearing a single breasted blazer, unbuttoned, taking the campus in its entirety. He held his hand out for the other person in the car, and out came a young girl with long wavy chocolate hair held tightly in 2 french braids. She took a look at the place in awe as she smoothed out her dress.

"Well, here we are! Quantico's Junior NAT training; we flew from the other side of the country for this," Harry said to his niece. "Kind of makes me miss the good old golden ages- you sure I can't tag along?" he asked, earning a giggle from the girl. He smiled, "Alright then, let's review mummy dearest's list now shall we?" Harry said as his niece watched him with enthusiasm.

"Vitamins?" he asked.

"Check," she answered.



"Daily intake of fruits and veggies?"

"Check, check,"

Harry glanced at his niece with a puzzled eyebrow raised and a slight smile.

"A check for fruits, check for veggies," she explained.

"Go on," she mused with a smile.

"Sunscreen, chapstick, pepper spray, stationary, stamps, and pictures of your mum, grandmum, and yours truly," Harry listed. "As if I'll forget what you'll look like Uncle Harry," she joked. He smiled and pulled her into a hug as the driver started to take out her luggage. "Oh! I almost forgot, a spanking set of a new deck of cards, courtesy of Grandma Sita. Maybe you'll actually find someone here that'll whoop your tush in poker." he said, looking around as if trying to find someone.

"Well I doubt it, but thanks anyway. Hey Uncle Harry? Thanks for coming all the way out here with me,"

"Your mum would have my head if I didn't," he joked, earning a laugh from the girl.

"Oh don't make this all sappy, I'll see you in 6 weeks darling," he said, the next minute fake crying. "Oh she's growing up so fast people," he said to no one in particular blowing his nose excessively loud with a handkerchief.

"Uncle Harryyy! I'll be fine I promise!"

"Oh okay okay," well give me five girl, he said sticking out his hand which turned to an assortment of made up moves and butt bumping to shimmying that was their "thing". "Are you going back home or staying here for a bit," she asked. "I actually have some friends to catch up with here for a bit," he responded. He gave her a kiss on her forehead and said, "If you need anything at all, or want to be picked up early for any reason at all, I'm just a phone call away, okay?". She nods, "Thanks Uncle Harry, I'll see you in 6 weeks." she assured in a fonder tone.

"Have fun Navi," he said in a whisper looking into her eyes, "Stay safe.".

"I will," she responds.

"Toodles!" he said, waving his fingers as he got back into the car.

"Toodles!" Navia answered, doing the same little wave. He got in the car and it rolled away after giving one last honk. A huge smile lit up her face as she twirled around ready to start her next 6 weeks at Quantico.

In the car, Mr. Harry Doyle got a phone call from what looked like Alex Parrish. 

"Hey Alex," he said.

"Harry! How's Navi Did you drop her off? Can I talk to her?" she said, bombarding him with questions. 

"First of all calm down darling- I'm already a few minutes off and she's already their, practically a local,"

"Ohh- I was so busy with work, we had a case- ugh I was just hoping I'd catch her in time,"

"Sorry Lex, it's only 6 weeks though, not that long if you think about it. You'll see her in no time,"

"First of all 6 weeks is not a short amount of time. I just hope I made the right decision," she said anxiously.

"Don't worry Alex, she's practically an adult- the big 1 0... double digits!"

"Ha ha." she deadpanned.

"Okay I got to go now, I'm meeting up with the gang for dinner- word got out that I'm in town,"

"Oh ok. Well you enjoy that," she said, her voice filled with misery. Feeling bad instantly Harry tried to cancel the plans, "I don't have to go though, I could just make something up-" 

"No no, you go, have fun alright, don't worry at all," she reassured him.

"You sure?"


"Alright then, you take care Alex, I'll see you soon,"

"You too Harry, bye,"

"Buh-bye now," he said as he ended the call and sighed. He decided to recline his seat and take a little nap to pass the 5 hour car ride to New York to meet up with some friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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