Fall break

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it was the last day of classes until fall break, no one really went home for this break, it was more of a break from work. So basically it was just partying, sleeping and having fun.

Me and Pansy were in our dorms gossiping about boys, when the door burst open

It reveals Enzo, Theo, Draco, Blaise, and Matteo. They all came to the bed me and Pansy were on and they all started tackling us, and jumping on the bed.

Me and Pansy had been fighting for our lives, but it was a 2 vs 5 fight. After what seemed like hours of struggle, Pansy had surrendered. But I wasn't going to give up that easily, still taking on Matteo, Enzo, And Draco, I could feel myself start to give up.

I was about to surrender when I got shoved off the bed and smacked my head on the dresser, and my body smashed on the ground.

" holy shit" I could hear Blaise's muffled voice.

Everyone gathered beside me as I lay on the floor, my eyes were open, and I was still in shock of what just happened.

Opening my eyes I see everyone kneeling beside me with worried faces.

I lid there for who knows how long just listening to the panicked voices around me.

I started laughing slightly, this caught the attention of everybody. They all looked at me with concerning faces.

I started laughing harder and harder as a took in what just happened

" what the fuck is wrong with her" Enzo says looking like he just shit himself.

"What's your name" Pansy says interrogating me to see if I just lost all my brain cells

I was laughing so much it took me a while to answer the question

" it's uh- it Yn" i reply confused, but also still laughing my ass off.

I could hear a sigh of relief from someone

" ok, how many fingers am I holding up" Theo says as he puts 3 fingers in front of my face

" one, two, three, you're holding up three fingers" I say happily

" ok, that's good right?" Draco says staring at Pansy

" Um yeah I think so" Pansy replies confused

" hey , do you think you could sit up for us" Matteo says in a kind voice.

" yep" I reply. As everyone helped me sit up straight. Suddenly I get something on the back of my head.

As I got to touch it, a slight pain emerges as I pull my hand back it reveals blood all over my hand.

" holy shit" Theo says seeing the blood on my hand.

Hate to love, Matteo Riddle Where stories live. Discover now