A Winter Wonderland (Pt.2)

Start from the beginning

"You're just jealous." I shook my head as he skated backwards in front of me. 

"Am not." 

"Are to."

"You don't know me." Luke put his finger out and bobbed his head as he spoke with attitude. 

"I wish that were true." I smiled sarcastically as I skated past him, feeling more confident with my very small skating skills. 

"That hurt!" Luke yelled. I laughed and began my journey around the rink. I was finally liking ice skating for the first time in my life. Who would've ever thought. 

After about an hour of skating around, we decided to head over to the arcade and play some games. I was fully distracted by Dustin as he screamed at the game and never noticed that half the group was gone, including Eddie. I went to go find him, but someone pulled me back. 

"This is our song!" Juliet sounded like a fangirl as she smiled wide at me. I listened closely to the song and noticed it was the band that we both loved. That was when Juliet started singing, jumping and spinning me around. It was quite convenient that it popped on at the same time I went to go find Eddie, but I accepted my fate and gave in to the dancing and singing. 

"Sugar don't you worry
Don't you shed a tear
They've got enough black gold
For another year." We sang to one another as we shared our sisterly bonding moment. It made this day even better, which seemed impossible, but it seemed like today was shaped to be the most perfect day that I've ever experienced. 

As we came to the end of the song, Juliet threw her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly. I smiled and hugged her back.

"I'm so glad you're my sister." Juliet spoke into my ear. Before I could say anything back, she left and ran away at the same time that the rest of the group walked back in. 

"I am starving!" Luke complained. 

"We're about to eat dinner, relax." Stacy rolled her eyes at her brother. 

"Let's go, children. Follow the leader." Robin called out as she raised her hand. We all huddled around her and followed behind as she led us out, except for Mike. He tried to walk alone. "Don't make me write you up, Wheeler." 

"Kiss my ass, Buckley." Mike called back. 

"I'd rather throw myself off a bridge than do that." She yelled, making Mike turn around and flip her off. 

"Don't be an ass just because you're all embarrassed from falling down the whole time, Wheeler." Steve warned him. We all snickered to ourselves as we watched Mike turn bright red. 

"El, what the hell?" Mike complained as he saw her giggling to Juliet and Max. 

"What? It's funny." She laughed. 

Juliet's POV

Somehow I found myself falling behind the group, allowing someone to grab my arm and pull me behind a wall. I turned around in a panic to find Blake. 

"Hey." He smiled down at me. 

"Why in the hell are you touching me?" I asked as I pushed his hand off of me. 

"You're still mad at me?" Blake asked. I gave him a look of disgust and confusion. 

"Why would I not be? I told you to stay away from me." Something caught my eye, so I looked down at the new cast that sat on his arm. I smirked at the fact that he actually broke something and it felt a little nice that it was because of me. He deserved it. 

"Well I'm not going to." Blake told me with attitude. He made me nervous as he gripped my wrist again and tried to drag me away.

"Ed-" I panicked as Blake put his nasty hand over my mouth. 

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