Roger Pirates Reformed!

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Roger did not stay in the east blue for long, he only made a couple of stops one of them being Logue town, while he was on the island he ran into the up-incoming captain smoker, The fight that broke out after that was not on the scale that would become synonyms with the roger pirates but for the quiet east blue is was the most significant thing since the execution of the pirate king, the fight was quick and overwhelmingly in favor of the Roger Pirates because while Roger was dealing with smoker, Knuckle dealt with almost all of the marines that Smoker had under his command. But worse than that Roger was able to announce to the world his parentage and that he was out to follow after his father. They left soon before the marines from the East blue headquarters could come and prevent their entrance to the Grand Line. they reached the bottom of the reverse mountain with little difficulty, soon they were anchored at a lighthouse, there was another boat that was docked but unlike theirs, it was destroyed, it looked like they had run it straight into the red line. "What do you mean you won't fix my ship?! It's your whale that broke it!!" Yelled a man with blonde hair and sunglasses, "I can't fix it you fool! I am a doctor, not a shipwright." the man with a strange flower hat said while turning his back to the man. "Oi old man!!" Roger yelled, "You got a log pose I can borrow?" The older man then turned around and his jaw dropped, for there stood his captain or he was finally going mad. "Who are you?" "I am Gol D Roger! captain of the Roger Pirates!"

Roger responded with a huge grin. "What are you talking about Gold Roger has been dead for five years," The blonde said dismissively "And who might you be?" Spoke Knuckle, "Me? I am Max Yanto. Master navigator!" "WOW Master navigator!! You have to join my crew!" Roger said, while suddenly appearing next to Max with his arm around his shoulder, "Why would I do that?" "We are going to see the end of the grand line! So we need the best navigator possible!" Roger said while thinking of the adventures that they would go on.

"Do you have a log pose we could have?" Knuckle asked Crocas as Roger continued to speak to Max, "Yes here," Crocus said as he handed over his log pose, there was suddenly noise behind them and they turned to Roger and Max fighting, "If you beat me I might join you!" Max said as he pulled a pair of spiked hammers, "Well welcome to the Crew!"Roger yelled as he swung hitting the hammers and sending Max flying into the side of the lighthouse, "What are you doing Roger! don't break the man's house!"Knuckle yelled with a tick mark on his forehead. Max then emerged from the house, "Right! Let's go!" Roger said with excitement as he walked to his ship. As they sailed away Crocus thought about how they seemed to fit the mold his father had left.

They continued to gain crew in both less violent and more violent ways as they continued to sail down one of the routes of paradise. As they kept chipping at the distance to the new world as such the Navy held a meeting,

Navy HQ Meeting Room...

"We have yet to update the bounties of the Roger Pirates!" Said one vice admiral as the projector changed to the information that they had on the Roger pirates. "They are closing in on the new world! should that enter they could begin a violent overthrow of the Yonko!" said the same marine, "Hahahaha take over?" Garp laughed "if he is anything like his father he just wants to party and sail!" Garp finished as he then continued to laugh, "Garp! We need to be serious! they are a real threat should they reach the New world!" Sengoku said "I could deal with them, "Kuzan said from his seat, "And you will. but we need to update their bounties anyway, I propose that...

Foosha Village...

"Ace! Ace!" Yelled a small black-haired boy as he ran into Partys Bar, Ace then lifted his head from his meal "what is it Luffy?" "Big brother Roger!!" was all the four-year-old said as he then handed him a stack of papers, looking down at the first one it read,

'Roger Pirates strike again!! The newly reformed Roger pirates have been proving their mettle in the first half of the grand line in the past two years, and as such, they had gained a cumulative bounty of 1.249.500.000 Beli, But that has now been raised due to the threat that they pose should they reach the new world! Soon after the new bounty were, issued Vice admiral Kuzan was sent out to bring the pirates to justice, They clashed for the first time as the Roger pirates left Water 7, The battle between Kuzan and Roger was said to have started to create mini tsunamis due to the force behind their attacks, The Roger pirates were able to get back to water 7 before they could be defeated, Vice admiral Kuzan then blockaded the path to the next island so to not give them a chance to escape. Five days later the Roger pirates attempted to escape, they said out on a ship that many had thought destroyed, Yes, the Oro Jackson is now in use once again! With the ship, they were able to absorb most of the damage and escape out to sea! They also were able to convince the apprentice of Master Shipwright Tom, Iceberg, To join their Crew! And now what you must have been waiting for the bounties! 'Gol D Roger:1.653.000.000, Knuckle:900.000.000, Max" the madman" Yanto:670.000.000, Iceberg:120.900.000,' and while those are the only massive jumps the entire crew received a larger bounty, thus the twenty man crews bounty to 4.590.000.000beli!(The average bounty for the crew is 90.000.000)'

When Ace finished reading this his jaw dropped at the absurd bounty that his brother had somehow gained just in two years, he would have to ask more when he comes back

The Oro Jackson...

Roger laughed as he saw the new bounty that they had gained after their scuffle in Water 7. "Oi come look at this!" He yelled out to his crew, when they saw the bounties they had a different reaction, they all promptly had their jaws drop to the floor, "Why did I get such a low bounty!" Max sulked upon seeing his new amount. "Don't sulk!" Yelled the majority of the crew as they smacked him in the head "Don't be too upset Max, your bounty is still above anyone here in paradise," Comforted Sidd, The crews up-in-coming doctor. "No more sulking!! This calls for a party!!" Roger Yelled as he came back with large jugs of rum and other alcohols.

They ended up partying for the next two days, before going to the next island. They spent the next two months getting to sabaody, when they got there they ran into someone roger least expected to see, "Rayleigh?!" Shouted Roger as the Oro Jackson docked "Brat! how have you been?" Rayleigh asked as if he hadn't seen both his captain's legacy and the ship he spent most of his pirate life on. "Great!" Roger said while scratching the back of his head, "What are you doing here?" Rayleigh asked after a moment's pause "We are just here for a little before heading back to the east blue, Ace would kill me if I didn't visit. But we can leave later! We need to catch up!" Roger said with a smile. "I know just the place," Rayleigh responded as he began to walk away. "Rayleigh! who are they?" asked a woman from behind a bar, "Oh Shakky! it's captain's kid!" Rayleigh said as he sat down and grabbed a drink. "So who is this Ace you mentioned?" Rayleigh asked

One day later...

The Roger pirates were all spread across the Rip-off bar as they woke to laughter just outside, "Shut it!"Yelled Max from his spot on the floor, but as if they had not heard him the people continued to laugh, "Nak, Pipp, Deal with the noise." Knuckle said as he rubbed his eyes. "But why ussss!" Whined Nak as he and Pipp stood and walked to the door. As they went outside Roger lifted his head, "Where are they going?" "there Dealing with the noi--," Responded Max but he was cut off as the two were thrown through the doors and landed against the bar with a loud thud, if there were still people that were asleep that woke them in an instant, For all their jokes and snipes at each other they still cared deeply for every one of their crew members. "Sidd, fix them up," Roger said as he stood and put his sword on his belt, "Boys! we're going on a walk." That was all he said as they all walked out intent on punishing those who had hurt their friends. When they all got out they were met with a similar-sized group headed by a fat man, a smoker, and a blonde, "Who do you think you are?" Questioned the blonde "thinking that you could boss us around!" But instead of responding Roger began to draw his sword, as they saw him draw his sword they tensed but were put at ease as a man began to walk forward through them. "Captian!" As the man reached the front of the opposing crew, Rogers's eyes grew wide as he then glared and released his Haoshoku Haki(conquers Haki), "Shanks!" He spat,

Thanks for reading!

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