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Iwaizumi struggled to hold his anxiety down. He couldn't get that image out of his head, even now. The state of that girl was horrific, 

Looking into the room, he found the girl laying in a hospital bed asleep. His face was scrunched up as if she was in pain. she had a feeding tube through her nose, feeding her nutrients. An IV in her left arm. Only her head was visible but there were a lot of bandages wrapped around her head, and her right eye was in a gauge, her pale complexion complimenting the Large purple, and black Bruises on her cheek. 

The girl had injuries everywhere, and Iwaizumi was still torn between what was happening. how did this happen, where did she come from? He was interrupted by police officers entering the room, he knew Officer Yukimura well. Yukimura had been his neighbor from before he was born. he was a friend of the family.

"Hello, Iwaizumi. We have a few questions for you regarding this girl.

"How did you find her?"

"I was walking home from practice when I saw her. She was hiding in a corner of the climbing equipment cowering behind it. she was naked, covered in blood, and this white stuff.  she was shivering and shaking. she eventually fainted from blood loss.

Iwaizumi stopped, looking down feeling sick to his stomach. seeing the girl in that state had been horrifying'. he was snapped out of his thoughts as a hand met his shoulder.

"You just saved this girl's life, had she gotten here any minute later, or waited for the ambulance, she would have died.

"Will she be okay?"

"Physically she'll be okay by next year, but mentally..."

Iwaizumi understood what he was talking about, after the way he found her. It was obvious she had been abused and tortured In sadistic ways. The shape she was in was proof of that.


It had been weeks later when Hajime had finished his first year of junior high. He visited the girl every day, waiting for her to wake up. The bandages on her body became less, she still needed the cannula, and feeding tube tho.

Hajime looked over the bed to see the girl awake, blinking. Her eye's beet red. Once her eyes landed on her. The girl froze eyes widening with fear, she shot up screaming at the pain but her words hurt the most.

it was small barely a squeak, but Iwaizumi still heard it. 

"p-please, d-don't hurt m-me."

"I'm not gonna hurt you, no one ever will again.

that was the moment Iwaizumi decided, he was going to protect this girl.

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