the wall

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I stand at the top of this building watching the rain pour on my body.

I feel the water drip on my neck.

I feel the drops run down my arms.

I wish it would just end.

My friends and I decide to take the stairs because the elevator is gone.

We walk down the stairs and there are blue lights flashing.

We walk down more stairs and there is an ambulance.

We walk to the bottom of the building to the smoke shop.

I turn around and see my cousin Dereck and my other cousin Deshon.

Dereck says, "Carlito we need to find some way to get you out of here."

I reply with, "We could climb down these walls back here."

Dereck says, "We could, but the controls are in in the office."

"You're right."

I reply.

We go back to the office and take the controls out.

Then we all start to climb down the walls.

The rain is still coming down.

I'm going to fall if I don't do something now.

I thought to myself.

I start to climb down one of the walls and this guy grabbed my arm.

He said, "You can't do that."

I told him, "I have to."

I look down at the river of water below me.

I can't do anything else now.

This guy is yelling at me, "Stop!


You're going to fall!"

I yell back at him, "Why?"

He yells at me again, "Stop climbing down!

We need to get you a harness to get you back up here."

Deshon shouts at the guy, "Cut him loose!

Let him go!"

The guy releases his grip and I continue to climb down.

Once I got to the bottom I sat down and took a rest for a minute.

The rain was still pouring on me.

My friend told me, "Lucky for you, you have a jacket on."

I replied, "Yeah, but it's not that cold.

What about you guys?"

They didn't have jackets either.

Dereck and Deshon said, "Yeah, we're alright.

At least we're not out here in nothing."

Right after they said that, they both took off their shirts and started to dry off.

I'm getting ready to go out with my cousin Deshon again, this time to the Bronx.

It's a 3 and a half hour bus ride to the Bronx.

I still feel beat up.

The things that were running through my head were simply, "What am I going to do now?"

When I was in my house my mom was still in the hospital.

I was so scared and worried for her.

I thought to myself, "How can I get home to her?

How can I get a ride there?

How can I get home?"

I can't tell you how many thoughts were running through my head.

Even though I didn't know how I was going to get home, I told myself I was going to make it happen.

Now it's time to head out.

carlitoWhere stories live. Discover now