All the Bad Boys Go to Heaven

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"Oh my God, why do I have to go?!" Remington groaned in frustration as he followed his older brother through his apartment.

"Because mom asked us to, Rem." Sebastian sighed in exasperation. "I don't want to go either, but it's two hours of your time. You'll live."

"Or he'll burst into flames upon entrance." Emerson chuckled from where he sat on the couch.

The three brothers were going to church.

None were too excited, but they had promised their mother that they would go with her a couple of times a year, so they obliged, but naturally, Remington had to make the whole ordeal as difficult and dramatic as humanly possible.

"You're one to talk, pot head!" Remington fired back petulantly, earning a laugh from the younger man.

"You smoke weed too!" Emerson pointed out with an eyeroll. "And you drink like a fucking fish!"

'Oh my God, shut up.' Sebastian groaned internally.

"I do not drink that much, you little shit!" Remington growled, stalking over to the couch, only to be stopped by a hand gripping the back of his shirt, and yanked him back hard enough to make him stumble.

"Both of you are fucking hellions that shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a church, but here we are. So shut the fuck up and let's go so we won't be late." Sebastian barked, not wanting to listen to the arguing.

Remington glared at his older brother, but didn't say anything else as he grabbed his coat, and stalked out the door.

"So dramatic." Emerson huffed.

"Shut up, Em." Sebastian sighed, pointing to the door expectantly. He was not excited to sit in a car with them for forty-five minutes.

The younger man got up, walking towards the door casually before he stubbed out his joint in an ashtray on the coffee table.

"Lovely. Just wonderful." Sebastian mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

The drive to the church wasn't quite as miserable as the eldest had assumed it would be, but Remington still grumbled the whole way there.

Remington stared out the passenger window, his arms folded over his chest as he watched the scenery go by. He knew he was being overly dramatic, and that it wouldn't actually be that big of a deal to go, but that didn't mean he had to like it.

He didn't have the best memories of church, constantly feeling judged and hated for liking makeup and rock music kind of ruined any chance of him being a christian. That and the very small, insignificant little detail of him being a raging homosexual.

But that was neither here nor there.

Remington wasn't out to anyone, he knew his mom would be fine with it, and his brothers wouldn't give two shits about it, but it's hard to undo all of the mental damage church had done to him, and all of the internalized homophobia he felt because of it.

He knew that there were good christians out there, and he knew not every church subscribed to the belief that LGBTQ people would burn in hell just for existing, but he was still terrified.

"Okay, we're here." Sebastian announced, causing Remington to jump as he looked up at an unfamiliar building towering above them.

"This isn't mom's church." Emerson commented as he climbed out of the backseat, marveling at the beautiful architecture of the church. Oh yes, he would definitely have to draw this place.

"A friend of hers suggested it." Sebastian replied, adjusting his tie in the side mirror before he stood up straight. "Remington, get out of the car." He sighed as he walked past the passenger door.

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