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Chaeyoung is working today, she was in the office room as she finished counting the checks for her employees. She gave them a high amount for the week and set the money in envelopes for each person.

She sat on the chair and saw the picture of Jisoo, she grabbed the picture seeing how the old picture was replaced.

She stands with the picture in her hands before smashing it down on the floor, she was beyond angry now.

"Mother fucker."

Back at home, Jisoo was resting from training today. Her body was sore and bruised from the punches she had to receive, she sleeps on the bed without knowing someone was downstairs.

The door creaked open as Jisoo was sound asleep, the person walks in and held a gun towards her head. Jisoo turns in her sleep before waking up, she slowly grabbed her gun underneath her pillow to seem as if she was still asleep.

They both wait until Jisoo sat up and shot the person, both guns go off as Jisoo was shot in her arm. The person hunched over and runs out of the window causing the glass to break, Jisoo held onto her shoulder to stop the bleeding as she rushed to the window.

She looks out seeing the person running away, she sighs in relief before looking at her bloody hand.

"Again?" Jisoo says before passing out.

Eyes opened to see the bright light.

They closed again before opening to reveal the hospital room. She looks at her arm seeing it in a sling, she frowns before seeing her wife sitting beside her. Chaeyoung was asleep beside her, Jisoo looks around the room and tried to remember the person.

The doctor comes in causing Jisoo to look at her, they spoke before she leaves. Chaeyoung stirs in her sleep before waking up,

"Hmm?" She looks over to see Jisoo changing, she could see the girl having a hard time putting on her shirt.

Jisoo huffs in annoyance as Chaeyoung chuckles and helps her, Jisoo looks away as Chaeyoung placed her arm through the sleeve.

"I'm sorry, you had to leave work," Jisoo says as Chaeyoung didn't look at her,

"Don't be sorry. You're my wife and it's my job to take care of you too." Chaeyoung smiles,

"I-I didn't know someone was in the house."

"I know that we have to be careful now because I found this." Chaeyoung pulled out the photo causing Jisoo to look over.

"It seems like we're gonna be playing soon."

"Great." Jisoo frowns looking at the photo.

"I don't want to see you."

"Are you serious?"

"If I ever see you, I'll put a bullet to your head."

"You'll regret this."

"I never regret anything."

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