An unforgettable finale

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After meeting Lord X, Sally calls the other to save Y/n.


In robotropalis, Y/n is strapped down to a surgical table with all kinds of tools around him.

Y/n: You won't get away with this robotnik and Antoine, you were my friend. Why would you do this?

Antoine only smirks at this.

Antoine: Oh, did you really think we were actually friends? Hahaha! We were never friends, you were a freak, an abomination that shouldn't exist. Now, soon I will be the leader of knothole with everyone serving me and Sally as my servant with your son as my slave.

With every word Antoine says, Y/n's anger grows.

Y/n: (angry) If you think I'm going to let you do this-.

Then he gets shocked.

Robotnik: Oh don't even bother trying, I do need you alive after all. You know, it amazes me how you thought we would be fooled by a copy of you.

Robotnik laughs with a grin on his face.

Robotnik: Oh, the mechs I'm going to create in your image. With your abilities they will be unstoppable!

Then an explosion happens, sending dust and debris everywhere. When the smoke clears, standing there are Sally, sonic and everyone else ready for a fight.

Sally: Let him go robotnik, now!

Sonic: Yeah! Let our friend go!

Tails: You let me dad go now!!!

Robotnik only grins at this.

Robotnik: Oh, and why would I do that? I have a being of great power in my clutches and you think I'm just going to give him to you!?

Robotnik cackles maniacally which sends shivers down the groups spine.

Robotnik: No! I'm going to use him to create the strongest army ever and create an empire in my image!

???: You sure about that?

Robotnik turns around to see...

Lord X, only more monstrous then ever.

This shocks everyone especially Sally and Y/n.

Robotnik: What are you supposed to be!? Some kind of messed up version of sonic!?

Lord X only laughs at this.

Lord X: You could say that, in a way, I kinda am a version of sonic like Y/n over there, but not in the way you think.

Robotnik only scowls at this.

Robotnik: It doesn't matter. Minions! Destroy this creature!

Robotniks minions try to attack only to be torn apart as if they were made of paper.

Lord X: I expected something more, oh "greatest genius".

Robotnik, visibly enraged at this, attempts to attack him only to get slapped across the room like nothing.

Lord X: Nice try. Now then there is you.

Antoine cowers before the terrifying figure before him.

Antoine: Wait, I'm sorry! I leave and never come back!

Lord X only laughs at this.

Lord X: You really think im just gonna let you go? No. I'm gonna make sure you and robotnik never hurt anyone again.

Antoine and robotnik are then grabbed by hands coming from the floor.

Robotnik: No! You can't do this! I'm supposed to have an empire!

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