Piper Hart and her boy problems? Part 1

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None of this is Canon. <3

Did You ever wanted to tell someone, something important to you but they ...?

mmm...- but you're scared... Scared of what they may think of you? or most importantly, how they would laugh at you?

... I know that feeling... HECK, I've been feeling that ever since I could remember but right now is when I could feel it the most,

why is that? you may ask, well...

I just confessed to one of my friends that I got to know a few months ago.

They're name is Billy Bilsky, Brother of Mitch Bilsky. Yes, I know, Mitch Bilsky bullies my brother, I hear my brother rant about him all the TIME.

I first thought Henry like liked him, but I actually started to listen to his rants about Mitch Bilsky once since we were in the living room, and he was walking back and forth by the staircase more mad than usual and a bit louder too,

but I didn't say anything because I was bored and He also rants about Mitch, so I thought, 'Hey, Since I'm bored out of my mind, and My brother is here with his stupid friends more annoying and louder than usual, Why don't I eardrop? for once.'

Which I did and OH, WOW, how wrong I was...

I did tell him I thought he like liked Mitch Bilsky after his rant, He made a disgusting look and said "EWW, NOO, GROSS, Me and Mitch Bilsky? EWW, Piper do you even hear yourself?"

He looked at me, He was in the kitchen, a glass of orange juice in hand. "Well, someone was boned to say it."

His friend, Charlotte, whispered but still loud enough for everyone to hear while making her way into the kitchen. Henry looking at Charlotte like She grow two heads, "First of all-"

I learned two things that day, One, He didn't want to be seen as Homophobic, He was actually Bisexual, Two, if he DID date someone of the same gender, He said it WILL most definitely not be Mitch Bilsky out of all people. He grantee it and if he did,

he would make Charlotte or Jasper knock him out, even also let her do it too.

But after some time, Piper actually got to MEET Mitch Bilsky, He wasn't that bad nor THAT nice, Piper had mixed feelings about him, would she state them to him or His brother?

no. sure she would and could, but She didn't know if it would bother them and Mitch the most,

which would make Billy mad at her and he would distant himself from her slowly... until he was no more to her than just somebody she used to know.

Piper didn't want that, so she kept her mouth shut about it.

It worked for a while but then She started to gain feelings for Billy, Her Parents started arguing more than they usually do,

Henry is always at his dumb job lately so she can't go to him anymore when the arguing gets a bit too loud for her liking... She's happy he can get away to work before they're parents start,

although she is starting to wish he'd take her with him, even if it's to his smelly gross job, It's still somewhere away from their parents.

Don't get her wrong, of course she tries to get away from her parents and sometimes she does, other times She's locked in her room with only a bucket and a gallon of milk with a piece of bread,

other, other times when she thinks it isn't TOO bad, she watches it play out. She knows she shouldn't do that, but it beats from going to her brother's stupid job and not seeing him there,

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