For a friend pt. 3

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Name: Pressely Lake
Age: 17
Gender: Female
What she looks like:

Personality: Hardworking, closed off, doesn't say much but hears everything, does what's right even if it means risking her life and bending the rules, felt like it was hard to love

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Personality: Hardworking, closed off, doesn't say much but hears everything, does what's right even if it means risking her life and bending the rules, felt like it was hard to love

Backstory: Pressely has always been hardworking, whether it at the cafe, at home, and wherever she's needed. But that wasn't always the case. She lost her parents when she was younger, and her past foster family was verbally mean towards her. She soon moved out and is now living with her foster parents Tyler and Shelby.

Nicknames(if any): Press, P, Stormy.

Hero name: Storm

Powers: Can control the weather, only for missions and to spice things up with the villains.

Anything else: N/A

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