-chapter 3-

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I was kinda surprised when I saw Sunoo waiting at the door.  "Oh hi Surin. I decided to walk to school with you today since we live so close. Hope that's ok with you" he said whilst flashing me a small smile. I nodded my head, signaling him to follow me, though he was quite chatty during the walk.

"Do you live alone?"


"why's that?"

"my parents work abroad"

"That's nice. I live alone too! Maybe we can hang out some time"

"No thanks"

Sunoo's mood  seemed to have dampened when I rejected his offer to hang out, nonetheless, he kept on talking, asking me my favorite color, what kind of food I liked, what i do in my free time etc. Usually when people ask me all these questions, I feel somewhat annoyed. However, it's far from that with Sunoo. It was actually kind of nice talking to him.


I had stayed stayed a bit late after school to finish up some school work I couldn't complete earlier.  It was getting kinda late, 5pm to be exact. I'd completely forgotten about Sunoo and how  he had promised to walk home together with me. I was just about to leave when I bumped into 'her', the girl that made my blood boil at the very sight of her.


"Surin! Long time no see." she said, with the fakest smile she could muster. "What the heck do you want Ryujin?!" I asked in the most intimidating voice I could make. "Chill, I just need a favor from you ", she continued, "Stay away from Sunoo". "Wait, what? why-?" I was baffled as to why she would ask such a thing. "Well, seeing how you to are becoming 'close', that could potentially hurt my reputation if you tell him what I've done ", she reasoned out. "Let's just cooperate. If not-" she paused for a moment, "I'll make your life a living hell"

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