Sunny's Birthday - JULY 20. OMARI & OMORI VERSION.

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Sunny's Birthday.



Mari stared at her phone, looking at the time for a few minutes. the moment it became 12, an reminder set from 5 years ago rang. Mari pressed onto the reminder. "SUNNY'S BIRTHDAY!! remember to spend time with him!" the reminder said. Mari closed her phone off and started tearing up. slamming her phone on the table next to her bed, she closes her eyes to sleep.

the sunlight shined brighter than usual, Mari looked at the phone and it was still July 20. Mari got up and went to the bathroom. she stared blankly at the mirror, it only show herself in the reflection. she brushed her teeth and dressed up. she proceeded to walk down the stairs to the kitchen, preparing food to bring to the cemetery. there she held the picnic basket, she went out of the house for the first time without anyone dragging her out. she walked to Aubrey's neighbourhood and walked to the church near it.

she arrived at the church, she made her way to the door leading to the cemetery. she moved the doorknob and pushed it open. the sight of gravestones, Mari walked to Sunny's gravestone but someone was already there. Basil sat down near Sunny's grave, humming the birthday song. Basil got up and as soon as he turned around, there stood Mari. Basil looked down and ignored Mari, walking pass her without an word. Mari looked at the flower placed near Sunny's grave. An white egret orchid. in the language of flowers, it symbolizes the phrase "My thoughts will follow you into your dreams."

Mari sat down and set up an picnic. Mari looked at Sunny's gravestone. "Our Dearest Sunny, the sunset seemed more vibrant when he was here."


you felt an gentle shake. you lied in your bed as someone calls your name out. "Sunny! Sunny! wake up!" a voice that sounded like your friend Kel. You remember a few things only, for one your friends stayed in your house for awhile after you have revealed the true so they could bond with you more to forgive and forget. Basil was the one who gave the idea. for two you remember yesterday was July 19th. you did hear rumbling and stuff happening outside your room. you opened your eyes and rubbed them to see a smiling Kel. "Finally your awake! cmon! follow me i have a surprise!" Kel grabbed your hand as he energetically dragged you out of your comfy bed. you fell to the ground, a great start to the morning. Kel carried you instead and apologised to making you fall off. he set you down once he went down the stairs.
he lets you do the door opening instead.

......  "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUNNY!" Your friends shout loudly, Kel behind, the one who shouted the loudest hurt your ears the most but you certainly didn't mind's your birthday. you never felt this sudden joy and happiness before. you slowly turn to tears of happiness, your friends ran over to hug you and comfort you. You didn't know how many times have you cried during your birthday for the past 4 years. but this felt special to you. Your friends decorated your house for you, you felt grateful to have friends like them.. your happy.

. . .
Dear Sunny,

Happy Birthday, do have a good time with us! i know it's been hard and now that i..well...i should say we know the truth behind Mari's death...let me just remind you a bit. We love you and we forgive you! please keep on smiling for us, we loved your smile.


you smiled at Aubrey's kind words.

. . .
Dear Sunny ,

I know i haven't been taking the truth very well...but i just want you to know i'll always be supporting you! I forgive you and i know it was just an accident, don't blame yourself too hard! I reassure you everything is okay :). Happy Birthday Sunny!


You felt happy Hero forgave you.

. . .
Dear Sunny!


—TO : SUNSHINE ( sunny )

you smiled gently at Kel's energy.

. . .

Dear Sunny ~

Happy Birthday Sunny! I know i wrote this kinda late since i was busy! but i swore i didn't forget your birthday! Remember to always smile and go outside more often! I hope your happy with the gifts we prepared! i'm really excited to see your reaction on this present i got! hehe..i worked really hard to get it for you, but if it's for Sunny, it's worth it! ^^ do enjoy your birthday this year Sunny! Once again... Happy Birthday!

—to ~ Sunny☀️
—from ~ Basil📷
—Wrote in July 20th—

An picture was attached to this letter, it was an picture of you playing the violin during christmas. Basil claimed it was his first very photo in the photo album.

you admired the picture of yourself and reminiscences the memories.
your happy with Basil's words.

Dearest Sunny,

Happy Birthday Little Brother! I hope you had an great Birthday this year! Sister will always be on your side ! remember to eat well and smile! Reminder even if your usually so cliff-faced, i can tell your happy! Sister loves you, and remember it well! Mom made you steak and cut up some watermelons just for you too! just thought i share that hehe..
nonetheless be happy as always Little Brother!

—To : little brother, Sunny.
—From : Your big sister, Mari.
—Wrote in July 10th 4 years ago.—

..... she's dead, she wrote this 4 years ago...yet you can't stop reading it.

A/N : Happy Birthday Sunny! ( ps i wrote this like in july 16th...i nearly forgot it was Sunny's birthday soon..hehe)
I finished writing this in July 18th! ( yes literally 3 days before Sunny's birthday lmao. )

Dear Omocat, if you send a sad birthday comic for Sunny's birthday again just like his last birthday, i will cry ( lmao )

hope ya enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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