Chapter 16

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Once Cindy left, Henrick’s gaze darted over to Arielle. “Sannie. Tell me the truth, how did you meet Vinson? Are you two close?”.

Henrick wanted to ask this long ago. However, he worried that Arielle would think he was using her as a stepping stone. Hence, he refrained from asking up till now.

At this rate, it seems like she’s too naive to question my motives. I may as well cut to the chase and ask whatever I want to know. This silly girl will tell me anyway.

As expected, Arielle answered him without a sliver of hesitation. “I don’t actually know him that well. I encountered him by chance when my ship sank at sea. He was injured at the time, so I treated his wounds with whatever herbs I could find. It was later when his subordinates came for him that I got rescued and brought back here.”

What he didn’t know was that Arielle had summarized the story. She omitted the details where they undressed and huddled up for warmth, as well as the truth that she saved Vinson’s life.

Hearing her story, Henrick felt both disappointed yet pleased.

He was disappointed because he had hoped for some emotional entanglement between Arielle and Vinson, but there were none.

At the same time, he was buzzing with joy that Arielle had aided the Vinson Nightshire. Because it meant Vinson owed Arielle’s family a favor for her kindness.

Imagine that. A favor from the Nightshires! That experience alone is worth its weight in gold!

“Wonderful! That’s great, Sannie! As expected of my daughter!” Henrick chortled.

He stared endearingly at her as if he was looking at the world’s rarest gem.

Arielle put on an innocent and unknowing expression. She flashed a quick appreciative smile at this compliment, then resumed with her dinner.

The next day had arrived at the speed of light. All four of them departed Jadeborough and headed towards Norham.

For the journey, Arielle and Shandie sat beside one another in the backseat.

Shandie wore the Crown Coffee Academy’s yellow team uniform. A soft and glamorous makeup was applied on her face, befitting her aristocratic status.

In comparison, Cindy had prepared minimalistic clothing for Arielle. She also hadn’t hired anyone to do Arielle’s makeup. Thus, Arielle was completely bare-faced and had her hair up in a simple bun; she looked like an ordinary high school student.

Even without any form of embellishment, Arielle was irresistible to the eye. Her presence glowed with angelic purity, almost like a blooming orchid whose beauty was so rare that people could only appreciate from afar.

She was the definition of true beauty. Not the kind that was sought after by many men, but a true beauty that made men reflect on whether they were worthy of being by her side.

Shandie initially felt like the brightest star in the sky, knowing that her makeup was worth six figures. Yet, that confidence plummeted after seeing Arielle’s simplistic beauty. Shandie now felt like a miserable side character while Arielle was the lead of the show.

Outshined, Shandie clenched her fists so hard that her claw-like nails nearly cut into her palms.

Ahem! Cindy cleared her throat from the front passenger seat.

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