Chapter 2

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Emily's P.O.V
I was just passing the cemetery when I heard screams, I went over and found a girl near two dead bodies "oh my goodness ". The girl walked towards a kid,she squated in front of him. She asked him if he was okay,he answered with a yes. I kept watching them for a while until they moved because the bushes near them moved. She moved towards the bushes, when I followed her she was hugging a white little fox with nine tails.
She picked it up and was about to leave until they were stroke by lightning,when it stopped I rushed towards her "hey are you okay?" I asked as I kept shaking her, I tried to carry her but couldn't "I'm gonna need help" I said as I walked towards the kid "hey, I need your help" I said as I stood in front of the boy "and who are you?"he asked "I'm Emily and I need your help" "and how will I know this isn't a trap?"he asked with folded hands "listen kid now isn't te time for this, someone is about to die if we don't get her some where to treat her wounds" I said as he kept looking at me,this kid has trust issue " if you don't believe a word I'm saying then come see for your self " I lead him towards the place, he gasped at the scene in front of us "yep, their toast" I was looking at the set of burnt toast in front of me "so are you going to help me?"I asked "um,sure "he answered "ok,you carry the fox I'll carry the girl"I said as I lifted her of the ground. We reached my place after some time,I placed her on the couch " okay,I'm gonna have to do this before my brother comes back" I said as I grabbed the first aid kit "what is going on over here?"speak of the devil, I turned to see my brother behind me "your back early" I said with an innocent smile "so, what happened this time?" He asked "well, with the situation over here you might know what happened "I said,he sighed at what I said "do you need help?"he asked as he walked towards me "yes pls" I answered.
He helped to bandage the girls arm while I treated the little fox,the kid just sat on the floor looking around the place. "Hey kid what's your name?" Darek asked "huh,it's mitsu"he answered casually ."mitsu" I called "hm?"he answered "could you pls get me a bottle of water in the kitchen?"I asked him sweetly as he got up from the floor "the kitchen is at your left"I pointed out for him "I'm heading to my room,I'm taking the white fox with me"  Darek said as he left for his room "here's your bottle of water"he handed it to me and sat down where he was before "thank you" I said as I collected it. I was done rubbing the disinfectant on her legs "now we wait for her to wake up" I said as I sat on the couch, just as I sat on the couch I heard a growl from upstairs "what's going on?" Mitsu asked "I don't know " I answered,I ran up the stairs and found that the fox was awake and was growling at my brother "Hey it's okay, I won't hurt you" Darek said as it calmed down for a while then it stopped growling and it started to look around like it was searching for something. After a while of it's search,it started to whimper "hey don't be sad "Mitsu said as he picked it up, but it jumped of his hands some minutes later  and left the room "hey come back"i said as I gave chase. It went down the stairs and into the living room "meeno?".There was a girly scream coming from the living room "she's awake"Mitsu said as he went to the while we followed behind,"your finally awake" I said as I sat on the couch "um,who are you and where are we?"she asked "I'm Emily and this is my brother Darek, you're at our house" I said as I kept looking at her"i'm Nina,nice to meet you "she said "Do you guy's have any thing around here I'm starving " the fox asked wait....WHAT! "huh?" everyone turned to look at the fox "HUH!"
That's the end of chapter two, tell me if you liked it or not 😊

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