You glared at Kel who was a lot more taller than you imagined him to be. "Woah! you actually came out! jeez i..didn't even think of an plan." Kel rubbed his neck in embarrassment as you looked around at the environment. nothing really changed here except....just more trash. "Let's go to the playground! we haven't went there ever since you shut yourself in! Cmon Mari! let's go! if we're lucky maybe we can even stumbled across Aubrey or Basil!" Kel grabbed your head and dragged you to the park, you stared blankly yet you imagined to keep still even though you are currently getting dragged to an old park.

You two arrived at the park, the scenery didn't change, just a few trash bags and that's all. You see a black haired boy planting flowers around the park and throwing the trash bags away. When Kel saw the boy, Kel immediately ran up to him and called him by what seems to be his name. "Basil!" Kel said as he ran up to Basil, hugging him from the back. Basil pushed Kel away while holding his gardening shears. That's Basil? he looks... different than what you imagined him. "Back off Kel. you don't know me." Basil stares at him deathly with his tired eyes. "What do you mean? I know you! Our my friend Basil!" Kel said with an small frown on his face. "Who's 'our'? this friend group isn't the same without Sunny." Basil then noticed you, he glared at you with clear anger. "Who do you think you are showing your face to me after what you did?" Basil looked at you with frustration in his voice. Kel was buried in confusion. "What did Mari do? She did nothing! Besides, she's the oldest of the group! no way you could disrespect her like that!" Kel defended you without knowing anything about what you did. but you couldn't remember what happened aswell. "I can disrespect people whenever i want to Kel. Scram, you don't belong here anymore." Basil turned his back to us and continued gardening. Kel clenched his fist. "No, i won't. Why should i just leave knowing this is the person you become? You used to be so nice...what even happened to you when Sunny—" "Keep it to yourself Kel, it's none of your business." Basil Cut Kiel's words off with his words. "Sunny is dead and i'm not gonna get over it easily, you might got over it easily just because your a 'ray of sunlight' but that doesn't mean we can get it over just like that too." Basil glared at with but this time, with clear sadness. Kel quiet down, for the first time you saw him so sad over something that is serious. usually he would laugh it off but...he looks lost. "But we can learn to get it over...right?" Kel said while refusing to look at Basil. The words 'Sunny is dead' were screwed to your head, you didn't show any emotions to it but you felt your heart sink into your stomach. "I...tch...I know Sunny is dead...i'm sad about it too...he used to be my greatest buddy...i just wouldn't understand why he would do it.." Kel looks down. Basil knows Kel clearly didn't know anything about the true events. Therefore Basil pretended. "We all dont understand! I don't know why and neither does Hero and Aubrey! Sunny is dead and that's that! don't bring it up scram unless you want to fight." Basil clenched his gardening shears while looking at Kel, but glaring at you with pure anger. you can see tears in his eyes. "... fine." Kel said and grabbed your hand, turning around and started walking away. As you two were walking, he suddenly started talking and apologizing. "Hey...i'm sorry for bringing you into that... It's just that...Basil...Basil isn't the same after Sunny died... I feel so awful dragging you into my problem.." Kel looked down, you pat his head gently signaling "It's okay, i forgive you." Kel looks at you with an slight smile but yet still looks so hurt.

Kel dragged you towards a broken house, he knocked on the door but no one answered. "Aubrey! Could you open the door? let's hang out for once." Kel knocks on the door again. "....Mari is her—" The door swung wide open the moment before Kel could finish his words. "Mari? is that you?" The sight of a girl with pink hair, an black sleeveless top with short jeans with an small bright teal ribbon attached to her hair. If you remember correctly you and Aubrey dyed each other's hair colour, Yours being dark purple fading into black, Aubrey being fully pink. "God, it is really you...come in, just ignoring the trash here and there, My mom...well should i even call her my mom, this woman haven't really cleaned this place ever since dad left." Aubrey opened the door for you and Kel to come in. Aubrey closed the door and turned on the light. the light flickers for a moment. "Let's go to my room, it's an extreme mess here." Aubrey said and led you to the attic, or i guess her room. "Damn, this place really is a mess. your room is like, the only place here in this house that is clean." Kel said looking around at her room. Kel suddenly notices a photo album on her table. "Is that an photo album? didn't we have one when we used to be kids?" Kel said with curiosity walking towards it. "Hm? oh yeah, it is. Basil gave it me since he believed it was more important for me to have it. i don't understand why though but i still took it. Speaking of which, did any of you see Basil yet?" Aubrey said, rubbing her head. you nodded. "Yeah, we did. Basil is just at the park gardening. Just the classic Basil." Kel said, completely ignoring the fact they nearly got into a fight with Basil. You looked around, you decided to sit on Aubrey's bed, it was comfortable. "I won't disturb him for now then. Anyways back to the topic of photo album...would you like to look through it again? just for reminiscing the memories again." Aubrey took the photo albums, flipping through the pages. "Of course i want to! i never seen it for years!" Kel said sitting down, Aubrey places the photo album in the middle so everyone could see.

"damn... such good times. everything was easier when we were kids.." Kel said looking at one of the pictures. ".... one thing that concerns me is that... Sunny isn't even in any of these pictures.. not even the first picture where Sunny first picked up his newly bought violin..." Aubrey said looking down. Kel noticed it aswell, Sunny wasn't in any of these photos, it only showed you, Kel, Hero, Aubrey and Basil. You looked sad, you were excited to see your younger brother again but in pictures. but it greatly disappointed you. "We'll get them back together tomorrow, i'm pretty sure it's with Basil. It's getting late now. you two should head back." Aubrey said with an gentle smile. She led you downstairs and you two waved farewell. like that Kel walked you back to your house, afterall your house is just one block away from Kel's house. "Well then, i'll be getting to you again tomorrow! See you Mari! Have a good sleep." Kel smiled, you waved goodbye and walked into your house. The red light greeted you, it led you to your room with an red sunlight shining your bed. With that, you cuddled into your bed and then fell asleep, you took one last glimpse of your bedroom, everything was the same. you close your eyes..

Look at everyone...
The times we spent together..
These Memories..
Indeed they are precious to us.

Let's make new memories...

Nothing will ever get in our way.
I promise i will protect you forever.
A new life...
without Sunny.

Our guilt....
It haunted us for a long time.
Don't you think it's a good time to get over it?
It's okay if you don't want to...

I'm sorry Mari.
You should be sorry for yourself too.
Together, we will be strong.
Together, we will make new memories..

A/N : Done with Chapter 2! kinda long but hope you enjoyed it!
Have a good day everyone!

Mind Space, Journey to find Hero.

Glimpse of Mari's Guilt.

Bed Of Flowers - OMARIWhere stories live. Discover now