Girls Can't Play!

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"What's wrong with you Fluff?" Crixus asks ruffling my hair and I bat his hands away from me

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"What's wrong with you Fluff?" Crixus asks ruffling my hair and I bat his hands away from me.

He and his mom have been around a lot more. I enjoy having Crixus around but his mom...

I know she is trying but she's just trying too hard. She's nice enough and Daddy looks happy around her but I still just can't find it in me to like her. I hardly address her unless I have to, Daddy doesn't like that but leaves it be. Violet always says it's okay and I'll come around.

The hell I will.

I'll never be okay with the lady trying to take Mom's place. But Crixus he's great. I enjoy having someone older than me who looks out for me. I'm the oldest out of all the kids, and then with me and Yoongs still not on speaking terms... It's been lonely.

I apologized to Yoongs for cussing but in the middle of it Auntie Jamie went into labor and its been a few weeks and I know he's busy but he never said he forgave me and things just aren't the same.

"You going to tell me?" Crixus nudges my arm and I sigh.

"I was with my Uncle TaeTae today and everyone went to the park."

"That sounds fun! So why the long face?" Crixus interrupts and I glare at him.

"Well the boys were all there and Angelica couldn't come she was grounded. They all went off to play basketball and refused to let me join, saying it's not meant for girls."

"Well that's stupid," I hear from behind me and Crixus.

My head whips around recognizing the voice all too well. My eyes land on his tired figure, a small baby bundled in his arms as he shuffles inside my room.

"Jungkook is waiting for you downstairs little man," Yoongs says to Crixus who nods and says a quick bye to me before running out of the room.

"Hey Bean," he says sitting down on the bed beside me.

I look down at the small baby and coo at how cute he is, he looks just like Yoongs but has his mother's complexion and curly hair. He gently hands me the baby and I hold him close to my chest inhaling his baby scent as Yoongs watches us fondly.

"Does this mean you are not mad at me anymore?"

"I wasn't mad at you Bean."

"Well like you haven't talked to me in a long time and I know you were mad I cussed at you and Uncle Jinnie," I start and he wraps me in his arms tightly.

"I wasn't still mad. I'm sorry you thought that Bean, I just Auntie Jamie and Alex needed me but I'd never leave you. Your my baby Bean remember?" he teases and I blush. It had been such a long time since he's called me that. But my heart swells and I hug him tightly keeping baby Alex between us.

"Now tell me about what these dumb boys are doing," he says with a wide smile.


"Are you ready Bean?" Yoongs asks as he walks to the park with me pushing Alex in his stroller.

"I guess so. What if they don't let me play?" I question as I worry my lower lip.

"I'll make sure they do. Don't worry we have been practicing and you are the best damn natural player I've ever seen," he gushes with a proud smile and I feel myself growing confident with his praise.

For weeks Yoongs would come over with little Alex and take me to the park to practice basketball. Yoongs was never very active so I was very surprised that first day with how skilled he was. We spent late nights perfecting my shots and how to defend against him.

He kept saying I was a natural and I've found I actually quite like playing basketball. Yoongs said he would look into finding me a team. But what he actually did was sign up to be a coach and so now every Wednesday he teaches me and eight other girls.

We round the corner and the boys are there already with Uncle TaeTae playing basketball.

"Hey Honey!" he shouts and causes the guys to look over at me. Ollie scowls and I roll my eyes seeing him.

"What are you doing here?" he says all snippy.

"I've come to play," I say crossing my arms over my chest, staring him down.

"Too bad girls can't play," he retorts with a scoff, and Uncle TaeTae scolds him.

"What it's true Dad. Girls don't play basketball," he argues and Yoongs clears his throat.

"Let's make a bet. If Bean plays and wins against you, you have to apologize AND let her play whenever she wants," he says smugly.

"Ha, like she'd actually ever win. Fine let's go," he laughs bouncing the ball as the other two boys get off the court.

We stare at each other as he checks the ball to me, when I pass it back he starts to bounce it moving forward. My arms out outstretched as I follow his movements before he fakes me out and makes it past me. I rush after him and just as he jumps to shoot the ball my hand snakes out and I slap the ball right out of his hand bouncing it and taking it back against the half-court.

We meet back in the middle and I check to him, he angrily checks it back and I quickly swerve around him and perform a perfect layup just how Yoongs showed me. As the game goes on I continue to score and block him and he gets more and more upset.

It's down to the last shot, I go to swerve around him again and he checks me knocking me down. Both Uncle TaeTae and Yoongs call a foul and Oliver snorts.

"Whatever it's fine she can play," he says and I smile happily.

The other boys come over confused as to why he's giving in and then he turns back to me. "Let's go guys I don't want to play anymore."

That damn brat!

My lips press into a thin line but I don't give him the satisfaction of replying to him. Uncle TaeTae says bye and grabs Oliver harshly as he drags him to the car. Yoongs rushes up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"You did great Bean!"


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