Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Start from the beginning

"Here you go." I thanked the bartender and slipped him a couple dollars as I looked back over at Chrissy and sipped my beer. I was really happy being with her. She made me adventurous and smile all of the time, something I never got to live out. My father was always harsh on me, wanting me to focus on sports, never giving me time to relax and live out my childhood, but with Chrissy I could do the things I've always wanted to do, plus more. She was the first girl I actually caught feelings for and that I wanted to stick around, so this was different and a little scary for me, but Chrissy Cunningham couldn't be more perfect for that role in my life. 

"Let's go, then." I turned my head to see Robin trying to arm wrestle one of the older, bigger guys at the bar. I was about to say something to her, but I was stopped by another familiar voice behind me. 

"Yeah, can you believe that? He won't let me live life." I leaned my back against the bar top and looked over at (Y/N) and Nancy gossiping. They never even noticed that I was beside them, which made the situation funnier. 

"What? Then don't listen to him!" Nancy tried to give (Y/N) advice as she ordered them both drinks. "If you want to take your shirt off, then I fully encourage you." I nearly spit my beer out as I heard those words come from Nancy.

"Hey, now. We are not doing stupid shit. Not tonight." I laughed nervously at them. Their heads turned over to me in confusion before they finally recognized me. 

"Lukie Pookie!" My eyes widened at the nickname that came from (Y/N). My cheeks warmed in response and I wanted to run away. 

"Don't call me that." I told her. I wasn't being mean, knowing she was drunk, but that nickname was just the worst. I hated everything about it. 

"But, Lukie-" I walked away before she could continue. I caught back up with Chrissy and Steve talking to one another. 

"Have you seen Nancy or (Y/N)?" Steve asked as he looked around, trying to find them in the moving rainbow lights. For a tough looking bar, they didn't seem so tough with the decorations they chose. 

"They were just at the bar. I was talking to them, but then (Y/N) started calling me that name I hated and...oh." I realized that it was a way to distract me. She knew damn well what she was doing calling me that nickname. 

"Holy shit." Robin was suddenly next to us. I will admit, it scared me just a little hearing her voice pop out of nowhere, but I was suddenly distracted by what she was staring at. Nancy and (Y/N) were taking tequila shots together, licking the salt off of one another. Thankfully, the group of kids weren't looking and instead were all talking in a booth that hid their view from the girls. 

"I want to join!" Chrissy said cheerfully before skipping over. 

"Shit." I shook my head and chased after her. 

Eddie's POV

"Fantastic job tonight. We'll see you guys in two weeks." I shook hands with the bar owner before finally being able to walk back to the bar. After our show, we quickly took everything back to the van and were headed to meet the group, but the owner stopped us and had a full blown conversation with us. It was nice hearing all of the compliments, but I was anxious to see (Y/N). 

"I'm ready for a drink." I said out loud, not caring who heard me or not. 

"Agreed." Gareth chuckled. 

We made it inside of the bar and we went straight to the bar top, ordering drinks. We were told it was on the house, so we thanked the bartender and clicked our drinks together before throwing them back. I then looked around, wanting to find (Y/N), but frowned when I couldn't. I was about to ask some stranger if they had seen her, but then my eyes caught her face glow in the quick disco light. I smiled and went to walk over, but stopped when I noticed Luke and Steve grabbed both of her arms and dragged her over to the table. I looked over in confusion as Chrissy and Nancy talked to Robin about something. 

Falling for The Freak (Eddie Munson)Where stories live. Discover now