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 Two months later on Halloween night steve was supposed to be with nancy but she had gotten mad and buyers drove her home, it was understandable but still hurt. He was sulking in the corner when the freak walked over.

"Wow you look like shit Harrington, what happened to your girl?"

"What does it matter to you, Munson? It's not like you care anyway."

"Just because I'm a secluded "freak" doesn't mean I don't give a shit. What's up?" He smelled like weed and booze but to be fair, so did the rest of the house. His eyes were a bit pink but they looked genuine. He offered Steve a blunt and he just shrugged, he took a short draw before coughing a bit violently and breathing out the smoke.

"Jesus chill man, don't suffocate yourself." Eddie smiled his normal smile, it was smug, sure but also sweet. Steve rolled his eyes and gave him the blunt back, pausing for a moment before speaking softly. He unloaded about nance, how she didn't love him and he wasn't sure he did either, not anymore, at all. He and Eddie were the last ones in the house, having just smoked and talked the whole night. At midnight they headed up to Steve's room and the older Eddie got him in bed before heading back home.

When he got there he cursed himself. "Fuck, I fell for a straight boy." He had felt this way ever since he saw steve "the hair" Harrington. But every conversation and especially the one they had just had solidified his crush. He groaned. He hated falling for straight boys, if they didn't berate him they just looked at him weird and it hurt. He knew Steve would do the same so he decided he would ignore his feelings and they would go away, right?

For the next few days Steve looked stressed, exhausted, and scared. It was weird.

In the first period, Eddie was there after him and he tapped his shoulder, to which Steve flinched. "Hey partner, what's up?"

"Leave me alone Munson, I'm not interested in your shit today."

"Come on, I can help. Yeah?" he groaned softly and looked around. He didn't want to admit it but talking to him on Halloween night was nice and it helped, and he knew he couldn't talk about the upside down, or the mind flayer but he could talk about nance and their break up and how he felt, cause he was confused. He nodded shortly. " Come over after school, I'll be ready to talk then," Eddie smirked and quipped softly.

"Sounds like a plan sweetheart." He was a bit condescending but it made Steve smile a bit, with the joking.

That night Eddie arrived at Steve's house right after school, just like he said he would.

"Steven?" He looked around and Harrington peeked his head out from the kitchen.

"Don't call me that, it's weird," he complained and Eddie just smirked.

"Whatever you want sweetheart." he winked smugly and the younger boy just rolled his eyes. "Alright Harrington, what's on your mind?" He walked into the kitchen and sat on the counter, letting his legs swing freely. Steve groaned and thought for a moment.

"Have you ever dated anyone Eddie?" the older boy nodded.

"Yeah, I've dated around a little."

"Well whenever you break up with someone, someone you think you're in love with it hurts... right?"

"Well yeah, the whole point of being in love is that you love the other person."

"Alright so why don't I feel sad about breaking up with Nancy? I mean she cheated on me with Byers and I thought I loved her but maybe not. I don't know it's making me feel like I've never REALLY loved anyone? That probably sounds weird."

"I mean yeah but it doesn't matter does it?"

"Well, what if I don't love any girl?"

"Who said it had to be a girl?"

"I don't know, society I guess? Plus I'm not fucking gay."

"How do you know you aren't?" That made Steve pause.

"... fair enough." he shrugged and sighed. "Well, I've never had a crush on a boy."

"You've never felt nervous, sweaty, anxious like your heart was going to beat out of your chest?" Steve thought for a moment

"How do you know all this?" Eddie gave the boy a blank stare and then gestured to himself.

"Uh, first-hand experience?" Steve was clueless and Eddie just gave up, he'd figure it out eventually. "Anyway not the point, have you?"

"Mabey, there was this one boy on my little league team who I was always nervous and jumpy around. I always got stomach aches when I was around him."

"Well that's either a crush or you were somehow allergic to him." Steve chuckled and Eddie smiled his normal smirky smile.

"Ha ha very funny." he grabbed a soda for himself and one for Eddie. He flipped it around in his hand and Eddie took it happily. Steve leaned against the counter next to Eddie who sat there. They drank their sodas and talked about relationships and just their lives in general for what seemed like hours. They just sat and relaxed. Steve hadn't felt this calm ever. He felt safe with the man next to him. Eventually, the older man had to go home leaving Harrington alone with his thoughts. 

My Eddieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن