She stood tall and her chin jut out in pride. Her skin became mottled with rage as she looked at Aaratrika and bared her teeth.

" You came here to tell me that I am wrong !? After all that I had done for you, you still wish to hurt me !?" Draupadi sneered causing Aaratrika to look at her with a helpless face.

" Draupadi-" she began when Draupadi snarled and pushed her hand away.

" Draupadi suffers humiliation but nobody asks why and Draupadi shouldn't open her mouth yet if Draupadi tells something it automatically becomes wrong ?! I saved you from being raped and kill! I nutured you knowing that the child might be my husband's and yet Aaratrika, you can't never appreciate it. Its always your precious Duryodhan or Yudhisthir! You could have gone back home! Marry and life happily but no! You had to ruin my life!" Draupadi said.

Her loud voice attracted the other ladies. Banumathi looked shocked seeing Aaratrika while Subhadhra looked surprised.

" Aaratrika," Subhadhra said warmly causing Aaratrika to smile and nod her head.

Draupadi let out a snort causing Subhadhra to look uneasy. Banumathi's eyes widened as she jerkily pointed towards Aaratrika's stomach.

" What are you doing here!" Kunti exclaimed while in the same time Radha appeared and fretted over Aaratrika. Kunti's eyes widened as she saw Aaratrika's bulging belly.

" I am fine Radhama," Aaratrika said and looked at Draupadi.

" My life and my children's life are the alms you have given me sister. I will never forget that," Aaratrika said with a raw voice causing Draupadi to flinch.

" Why did you come back!?" Banumathi exclaimed causing Aaratrika to glance at her while Subhadhra looked at Banumathi and Kunti.

Aaratrika however ignored the woman and looked at Draupadi.

" I came here to try to talk to Duryodhan. To stop him from whatever plan he had concocted to take revenge for your words!" Aaratrika said causing Banumathi to snort.

" You ? You who proclaimed to love Duryodhan?" Kunti said causing Aaratrika to close her eyes and shake her head in a slow motion.

Aaratrika's chin trembled and mouth parted open as she hunched down, chocking a sob. Draupadi flinched as she stared guilty at her sister. Aaratrika wiped her tears and looked at her with a wobbly smile.

" I said I hate you before....I did many times I hated you for stealing away the limelight, the attention, the man I had a crush on but I wasn't a mother then," Aaratrika said and chocked on her breath.

Draupadi's eyes widened. She looked at her with wide eyes while her face turned slightly pale.

Aaratrika wiped her tears as she felt the trembles in her limbs. She hung her head low and let out a small whimper.

" Believe it or not Draupadi but I came  to stop him. I don't know what is going on with him but I don't want to hurt you," Aaratrika said and waddled away.

Radha exhaled her breath as she eyed the other ladies.

" Aaratrika came back to visit her parents and brother. She wanted to meet Draupadi so she snucked inside. Indraprasada Maharani, she went last night to visit Duryodhan and when she came back, she looked like a ghost.  I don't know what's the animosity with you but this time she came back for you," Radha said and bowed lowly before walking away.

Draupadi shook her head and walked away. Her eyes blinded with tears of guilt and rage. Her mind flashed forward the words Aaratrika said and she felt her body quivering in guilt.

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