꧁ఌGraduation Partyఌ꧂

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—Deku's POV—

I had just graduated along with the rest of class 1a, we had all successfully graduated UA high. We were all very excited to graduate but we were even more excited for the graduation party. The graduation party was starting in a couple of hours, oh!, that reminds me I have to get ready.

Before I knew it an hour and a half had already gone by and I had only just figured out what I was gonna wear. I decided to go with a dark ish green suit with a white tie and some fancy black dress shoes.

Once I had gotten down to the party I was greeted by my friends Uraraka, Iida who was holding Uraraka's hand and Todoroki who was surprisingly red and sweating, was he showing emotion?

"Hey guys, are you enjoying the party so far?" I asked with a bright smile.

"Hi Deku-kun, yeah it's super fun and the food is great too," Uraraka said giggling.

"Good afternoon Midoriya," Iida greeted with a smile.

"Hey Midoriya, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" Todoroki asked looking around he seemed to be looking for someone.

I walked with Todoroki as he continued to look around curiously, I had no idea what was going on. We walked some more and stood around a corner where no one else was.

"Todoroki are you ok? You look re-" I was cut off.

"Im gonna ask Momo to be my girlfriend," he blurted out.

"That's great!" I said congratulating him.

"Yes, I've been thinking about doing it for ages but I don't know how," Todoroki said looking down at his feet.

"Just tell her how you feel," I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay!" He said jolting up "I'm going to do it,"

"Right now?" I asked even more surprised than before.

"Yes, what better time is there to do it?" He asked not actually looking for an answer.

"Off you go then," I said laughing a little.

Just like that he started walking over to her, man he was a mess. I watched from around the corner we were just talking at and for some reason I could feel eyes on me. I brushed it off and watched as Momo and Todoroki hugged, he did it! Then all the sudden I felt someone behind me, I turned around and saw Kacchan.

"Hey Kacchan," I greeted with a small smile. I had had the biggest crush on Kacchan I had for a while now but of course I'm wasn't going to tell him.

"What was that about?" He asked with a slight angry tone in his voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You and Icy-Hot what were you talking about couldn't you see his face," he snapped a little.

"Yeah he was blushing and sweating kinda funny actually, he was telling me about him telling Momo he liked her," I said looking back a them for a second and then turning back around to Kacchan.

"Oh," he sighed in relive and backed up a little.

Kacchan walked away with his hands in his pockets what was that about? I shook my head to get rid of the the slight blush I had on my face and walked up to get a drink and sit down.

The party went for hours and one by one or couple by couple they left the party to get to bed or to have some romantic time to themselves. I stayed behind after I thought everyone had left and cleaned up a little.

Once I had done enough cleaning I decided to have one last drink and the piece and quiet to myself but then I heard someone walk back into the now empty room through the big double doors.


Thank you for reading this chapter, it's my first time writing a My Hero Academia fanfic hope you enjoyed reading<3

Word count:661

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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꧁ఌ𝕋𝕨𝕠 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤, 𝕆𝕟𝕖 𝕃𝕠𝕧𝕖ఌ꧂Where stories live. Discover now