| Sick | Chapter 2

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It's been a month since we started this school year, but this is the first sick day I've had.

I woke up feeling horrible, I had an aching headache, a sign of a fever.

Currently its 11pm. I'm on my bed feeling horribly bad. I'm waiting for Shoto who was in his room grabbing a few things since he took the day off to take care of me and we were gonna have a sleepover.

We have grown pretty close this past month.


I went into Denkis room and found him lying on his bed. I chuckled at the sight.

"Hey Denks, how are you feeling?" I asked him, hoping he would feel at least a bit better than earlier.

He sighed.

"Horrible, I have a major headache. And I feel like I'm going to die." He said jokingly while playing with his hair that was messy, but it looked kind of cute on him.

"Hey don't say that... I won't let it happen." I said as I ruffled his hair, making it messier.

"Thank you for being here for me, but can we please cuddle? That would make me feel better." He asked me. I didn't think much of it as he opened up to me a while ago saying he was pretty touch deprived, so I didn't find it weird.

"If you're okay with it, then sure." I replied, smiling.

I went under the covers and leaned in closer to him, I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my head on his.

He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled up on my chest.

'His body fits perfectly in mine, like they're 2 puzzle pieces that fit together, and his hair smells like roses.

And his face, I can't describe it with words...'

I never actually thought I was straight, but now I'm sure I am most definitely not.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time on taking care of me. I'm sure you have important stuff to do." Kaminari apologized.

I furrowed my brows, why does he think this is wasting my time? I'm doing this because I wanted to.

"This is not wasting my time Denks. You're my friend so of course I'll want to take care of you and make sure you're okay. I will take care of you no matter what." I assured him sweetly, which seemed to work as I saw him smile.

A comfortable silence followed for a few seconds, then Denki broke it.

"Hey Shoto?" He said as he sat up. Patting the bed, signaling me to sit up along with him.

"Yes?" I respond as I sit up.

"Would you like to look at the stars? Its something I always do. It helps me to cope with different things." Denki asked.

I nodded.


He got off the bed with me following behind.

He opened the window and admired the billions of stars the night brought.

I approached him and looked at his face, his eyes were shining brightly as if these stars were the most beautiful things in the world.

"Hey Shoto, have you ever... You know, been unsure of your sexuality?" He asked as he was still staring at the stars.

I was shocked. Why would he just randomly ask that? Wait, does he also question his own sexuality?

I responded either way, kind of curious as to why he would ask that.

"Yeah, why?"

He finally looked at me and smiled.

"Well, when I'm around you I get this feeling in my stomach...." He explained as his cheeks flushed, looking away from me.

I blink for a couple of times, processing what he said.

"Denki, are you saying you like me?"

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