When you found out you liked him!?

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Tanjiro 💚

-You were on a mission with him

- he was just so sad every time a demon died you grown to respect that.

- he was kid to other and was super sweet towards you

- you guys always go and walks together 

- you have felt this feelings ever sense you met him

- that day when you killed that demon and found him...

- he just looked so....

- Beautiful...


- you don't know how you fell for him

- one day you were just chilling when he took his boar mask off and showed you his face.

- it wasn't that that got you thought 

- it was his smile when a bunny walked to him and cuddled with him

- that made you heart melt

- you fell for him

- like naw you FELL for HIM  

Zenitsu 💛

- his almost died for you...

- like not once and not twice!!!

- He did this like 40 TIMES

- You fell for him because you knew he really did care for you

- most men in your village treated you like shit but Zenitsu made you feel wanted.

-he cared for you and you cared for him but you didn't want to catch feelings because this could ruin everything and you might loss him.

- he is so sweet towards you!!!

- Maybe one day you can be in love...

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