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Hello all! This is an announcement I'm making in regards to this contest and some changes I'll be making for the next contest

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Hello all! This is an announcement I'm making in regards to this contest and some changes I'll be making for the next contest. I would appreciate it if any of you could comment some input/advice whether or not you agree with my ideas, or even add some of your own!

Upcoming Changes:

•new point system

•Explanations per winnerI would write a small blurb describing what led me to chose the winning covers, what I like about them, what I might change and my overall thoughts on the top three designs

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•Explanations per winner
I would write a small blurb describing what led me to chose the winning covers, what I like about them, what I might change and my overall thoughts on the top three designs.

Editing tutorial/tip chapters
Every week(or so, schedule not determined)I'll add a short tutorial on how to edit better/more professionally. I might rather do this as it's own separate book, so let me know which you'd prefer!

That's all I have so far! I imagine these will be put in place for the next open contest. Please please please let me know what you think!

 Please please please let me know what you think!

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Calisto Cover Contest (CLOSED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora