Special Chapter: The Quirky and Varied Group's Chats!

Start from the beginning

Candy Cane: Wonderful! Does anyone here like Rock music?

Heather Chandler: Probably. Why?

Candy Cane: I love it! I have a special outfit for my Rock outings!

Lambda: What does everyone in here like?

Sylvie Paula Paula: I like cute things!

Mian: Chinese Opera.

Athena Asamiya: Pop music!

Heather Chandler: Fancy things.

Veronica Sawyer: Literature.

Lambda: Interesting! I like sports.

Candy Cane: Fancy things? That's a bit snobbish, isn't it?

Heather Chandler: Maybe it's snobbish, maybe it's not. Besides, as a fancy woman myself, I have to enjoy fancy things.

Candy Cane: Come on, Miss Fancypants, you can enjoy commoner things as well.

Veronica Sawyer: What kind of sports do you like, Miss Lambda?

Lambda: Swimming and Soccer!

Sylvie Paula Paula: Ooooh!

Lambda: I've got an idea! Wait here.

Lambda has added the Black Belt Demon.

The Black Belt Demon is online.

The Black Belt Demon: Just because of education and courtesy, I will send a greeting. Hello, everyone.

Lambda: Don't be like that. It's a group chat to be friends with everyone!

The Black Belt Demon: I don't have time to lose on this. Perhaps, if this amuses me enough, I will be back to interact with you. Sayonara, everyone.

The Black Belt Demon is offline.

Lambda: She's just a bit cold and distant. But she can be a good friend.

Veronica Sawyer: Give me a few moments. I have an idea as well.

Veronica Sawyer has added Martha Dunnstock.

Heather Chandler: Be right back.

Heather Chandler has added Heather McNamara.

Martha Dunnstock is online.

Heather McNamara is online.

Martha Dunnstock: Hey, Ronnie! Oh, I see Heather is here as well...

Heather Chandler: You say that as if it was a bad thing.

Martha Dunnstock: Oh, no, it's not a bad thing! It's just that, if we were in the musical, things would be a little bit differently.

Heather Chandler: I know. But unlike the musical, I've grown used to seeing you around.

Heather McNamara: Hi, everybody! It's nice to be with my best friends in the whole world!

Princess Veronica of Embla: Well, I didn't know I had a namesake in a musical.

Veronica Sawyer: And I didn't know I had a royal namesake.

Sylvie Paula Paula: I have an old friend to add!

Sylvie Paula Paula added Salvatore Moreau.

Salvatore Moreau: ...Hi. Thanks for inviting a soul like me. I appreciate it.

Heather Chandler: Aren't you the man-fish-thingy from Resident Evil Village?

Salvatore Moreau: Well, I am, but I got a normal human body now.

Candy Cane: You must be slimy even as a human.

Martha Dunnstock: I don't think we should be mean with him. He has suffered enough in his world. We shouldn't be as evil and heartless as Mother Miranda was with him.

Sylvie Paula Paula: I agree with Martha Dunnstock. We shouldn't be mean to him.

Lambda: Agreed.

Mian: So, what do you like, Mr. Moreau?

Salvatore Moreau: Old movies. Like Pride and Prejudice.

Heather McNamara: The original version or the 2005 version?

Heather Chandler: Who even likes the 2005 version?

The Black Belt Demon is online.

The Black Belt Demon: I agree. I didn't like that version.

Salvatore Moreau: I do. Also, it's a movie with a 7.8 score.

Heather Chandler: I still think the original version is better.

Princess Veronica of Embla: I didn't watch either movie.

Salvatore Moreau: You should watch the movies. They're great!

Heather Chandler: The original version is the only movie worth watching.

Martha Dunnstock: Can't we like both movies?

Heather McNamara: I agree with Martha. Both movies are good, and we should watch them.

Athena Asamiya: ...How did we end up discussing the Pride and Prejudice movies?

Candy Cane: No idea.

The Black Belt Demon: I guess that's the fun of these groups.

Sylvie Paula Paula: Yep! That's the fun of these groups!

The Black Belt Demon: Well, I have to go. I have Karate practice to attend.

The Black Belt Demon is offline.

Candy Cane: I have band practice with my school band. We'll see each other later. Bye.

Candy Cane is offline.

Lambda: I have to go. I'll see you soon!

Lambda is offline.

Salvatore Moreau: I'll be watching my old movies. Have a nice day!

Salvatore Moreau is offline.

Heather Chandler: McNamara and I have to take care of some issues. Let's go.

Heather McNamara: Have a nice day, everyone!

Heather Chandler is offline.

Heather McNamara is offline.

Veronica Sawyer: Hey, Martha, do you want to grab some food out?

Martha Dunnstock: Sure! I wish everyone a good day!

Veronica Sawyer is offline.

Martha Dunnstock is offline.

Princess Veronica of Embla: I have to take care of some royal duties, and see what are my two daughters up to. Goodbye.

Princess Veronica of Embla is offline.

Athena Asamiya: I have some performances to polish before my next show. See you!

Athena Asamiya is offline.

Mian: Sylvie, I would love to stay, but I have something to do. Goodbye.

Mian is offline.

Sylvie Paula Paula: This group chat was a wonderful idea! Well, I'll be busy playing games.

Sylvie Paula Paula is offline.

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