The Sunrise.

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3 children, who went by the name Blas, Totem, and Eblack on leave. When not on leave, they tend to go by Brielle and Willow, Blas did not have a name when not on leave.

The 3 stayed up. Late at night, they didn't realize from the fast time past.

1 am.
2 am.

Around 2 AM, they started to party, only a little. Since it hurt they're eyes from the LED lights going Blue, Red, Green, flashing all around.

They played many songs. Had fun aswell.

The activities they all did was fun.

Design original characters
Have a little party
Play little games
Do fun little role-plays
Dance around..

Totem and Eblack decided to do an old dance they did many many times before.

Timber - Just Dance

It was good but tiring, thats why Totem went off to get water for the 2.

Before staring at the Horizon. The 3 went and played tic-tac-toe, an old fashion game used before
the 2000's

It was dark, since Totem wanted to have a little Scenery

Totem then added. "You guys do realize there's a little pink in the sky, right?" She mumbled.

The both went to the opened window, seeing it just a little bit. Few minutes later, Blast and Eblack got off Tic-tac-toe and decided to go ahead and watch the sunrise.

They tend to talk, a lot, but unfortunately they live far away most of the time.

Colors were in the sky.






It was all blending into 1.

1 beautiful color.

The 3 wanted to Live, but die at the same time."

They understood eachother.

Loved eachother.

Cared for eachother.

They wanted to fix eachothers problems

"If you make a mistake. You apologize. If you give someone a dream. You fulfill it."

The 3 Children said in Unison.

The e n d

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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