6.5: Good Night Sleep cont.

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Here is the rest of chapter 6 Enjoy!! & don't forget to comment vote and fan!


I woke up late the next day well rested for the first time in a long time. When I pulled up outside of Jake's house a little after one the he was waiting for me outside. Like Leah, it was nice seeing Jacob in normal clothes. They fit him so well.

"You're late." was the first thing he said when he got in the car. He looked so big in the tiny space.

"Nice seeing you too Jacob. You look nice. Did you sleep well? I slept great." I turned towards him waiting for a response.

"I'm sorry, I was just getting a little worried. Wasn't sure of there was trouble or if you had changed your mind."

"Its only one thirty and I overslept. Don't worry so much. It'll make you old." He chuckled at the idea of getting old as I pulled away from his house.

On the drive I told Jake about living with the Volturi and how it wasn't as scary as it sounded. At least not after Aro named me a friend of the coven. "He was amused because Caius didn't hate me which just made Jane hate me even more. I don't even think Marcus realized I was there."

Then Jake told me about when he first shifted. "I was so scared at first then it just made me angry. I saw what Sam did to Emily; to someone he loved so much. It seems like so long ago now. I was so hopelessly in love with Bella. Then I saw Nessie and everything else went away. All the doubt and fear was gone."

"It must be nice to be so sure of someone and to be sure of where you belong."

"Yep, being sure is...great." We fell into silence after that letting the radio and our thoughts fill the space.

Picking up my car was just as fun as when I first bought it with Leah. Jacob knew all about my first encounter with the men at the dealership and was eager to have some fun.

When we walked in Walter Watts all but ran over leaving a confused customer alone at the counter. Chuck wasn't far being him.

"Miss Adole, it is so nice to see you again." Watts shook my hand then stepped aside for Chuck to do the same.

"Hello gentlemen. It's good seeing you too. This is my friend Mr. Black. " I pointed slightly behind me and to my left without looking but I could picture Jacobs serious stare. Each man flinched slightly as Jake shook their hands a little too firmly without saying a word.

"He's also my mechanic to give the car a once over before I sign the last papers."

"That's great." Watts said a little too excitedly.

"Would you like to go see your car Miss Adole?" He pulled a shiny silver key out of his front jacket pocket. I was excited and had to stop myself from jumping up and down.

"Sure" I said calmly and turned towards the door. "After you two." I said waiting.

We walked out in silence, the car salesmen were nervous and stiff while Jacob and I kept smiling at either behind their backs.

As we reached the car and the men turned back to us Jake wiped his face of all emotion and even I thought he looked intimidating.

"Here you are Miss Adole," he handed me the keys, "I really think you will like it."

"Oh, I really hope so Mr. Watts." I climbed into the driver's seat trying not to show too much excitement. I popped the hood for Jake who silently checked the engine. Everything was beautiful and I started feeling guilty for treating the salesmen this way. They were standing outside wringing their hands and giving each other nervous glances.

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