ii. the teens aren't alright

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Hopper was already at the back of his truck when Joyce managed to open the door

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Hopper was already at the back of his truck when Joyce managed to open the door. She rushed outside, and while Jonathan immediately followed, Alison hesitated for a moment.

Alison was not religious and hadn't set foot in a chapel in at least a year. But she found herself wishing to whatever entity out there that the poster she had been helping Jonathan with didn't need to be finished, that it wouldn't need copies made. She wished for Will to be getting out of that truck, that sweet smile on his face but upset that he'd worried them after being lost in the woods, and the worry that had since grown stronger since her mother uttered the words 'he came home last night, right?' would fade into relief.

That wasn't the case.

Alison closed the door behind her, stopped to the left of her mother, and watched with shaking hands as Hopper removed Will's bike from the back.

No Will in sight.

Her mother's breathing hitched, and Alison grabbed her hand, remaining silent when the pressure tightened.

It was silent as the family stared at the bike, and Alison felt as if it were mocking her, laughing in her face that such a replaceable object had returned.

Jonathan was the first to speak, inviting Hopper, Powell, and Callahan inside and offering them coffee in an attempt at pleasantries that he definitely did not want to follow through with completing. Only Callahan appeared not to notice the forced formality and looked as if he were going to accept before Hopper shook his head at him as they all shuffled into the house, the living area feeling much more cramped with six people standing in it.

"It was just lying there?" Joyce finally exclaimed, breaking the tense silence, and Alison squeezed her hand tightly before letting go so her mother could follow after the chief.

"Yeah." Hopper wandered further into the house, "Cal?"

Powell nodded and ducked into the kitchen. Alison glanced at her brother helplessly as Callahan shuffled through the items on the table beside the front door.

"D-Did it have any blood on it, or–"

"No, no, no, no, no." Hopper interrupted Joyce's thought process before the question could really hit either of the teenagers who had frozen in the living room. Flooded with relief, Jonathan broke out of his state and followed his mother and the chief, who had stopped where the kitchen and living room met, "Phil?

"If you found the bike out there, why are you here?" Jonathan asked, almost angrily.

Alison began to walk, her movements feeling much slower than how fast she reached her family. They watched Hopper wander around the now clean kitchen, "Well, he had a key to the house, right?"


"So..." Hopper stopped at the sink, directing his attention to the window above it, "Maybe he came home."

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