"She is Khushi's local guardian. Shivaay is my fiance. Two and two make four, ASR." Anika snapped.

Arnav shook his head. Something, there was something very small yet very big that he was missing. "I know that woman. Where have I seen her?" He realized the car was slowing and Akash was staring at him.

"Really Bhai? You go to her cafe every week. You eat her food, every week." The car took a right turn and accelerated again.

"Actually," Anika smirked. "You eat Khushi's food every week."

"What?!" Arnav turned around completely, his seat belt pricking him. "She's... she's working? Then how is she a student? Wait, the only way Khushi would be a student was if..." He didn't want to think it.

"If?" Akash prompted.

Arnav looked at the love of his life, hiding from him in plain sight since months. "She hasn't cleared her arrears yet."

"Bingo." Anika spat.

(Secrets in the night)

Arnav waited outside the medical room, pacing as Akash sat holding his head. Mrs Yadav and Anika were inside the ward with the on-call doctor.

Arnav heard footsteps and looked up to see Shivaay, Mr Yadav and Shivaay's uncle approaching them. Dr Oberoi went into the ward without so much as a knock.

"Did the doctor give any information yet?" Mr Yadav asked.

"No. Your wife asked that we not be let in." He wondered why Dr Oberoi was required here at all. Wasn't he a gynecologist? "What's happening?"

"None of your concern, young man. We'll take care of her. You both can actually call it a night." There was some disdain in the tone.

"I'm not calling it a night. I have a right to know that my friend is okay!"

"Bhai, let's leave."

"No Akash! I want to know what's going on."

"Then listen carefully ASR." Shivaay's tone was threatening, Arnav could tell. "My sister has fainted because of you. She hides because of you. She's lost track of herself because of you!"

Sister? What was Shivaay on about? "Khushi doesn't have a brother." He would bet his life on it. And Oberois and Guptas were far too different classes to mingle, anyway.

"Well, she does now. You might have known my sister when she was 10, when she was 16, when she was 20. But she's 22, and you didn't even know she lived in the same city as you. Says a lot about friendship, don't you think, ASR?"

Arnav wanted to fight but Shivaay had a point. Why didn't he know that Khushi was in London? But didn't he? London never felt different, never felt lonely to him. "I will stay."

"No, you won't. One sight of you sent her spiraling. I don't want to see you around her, you get that?"

Akash caught his arm, dragging him out the building as Arnav let Shivaay's words sink into skin.

(Early bird gets the worm)

Akash walked into the flat in a daze. He had a strong feeling that he should have spoken sooner.

Hadn't he thought back in November that he had seen Khushi right in the flight seat ahead of them? He had put it down to hallucination. Again at Christmas, he had seen a familiar silhouette behind the glass panes of an examination room. He had put it down to denial. Then at Valentine's, was it Khushi who had seen him and created the mess at the kitchen door? He had put the food taste down to homesickness. He had seen the signs everywhere and not once mentioned it to his brother.

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