Ch. 5

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°•First impression in class•°


As the teacher of class walked in, the homeroom just in time all of the students are in they're respecting seated

Y/n was seating the seat near the window next to sumia as the two we're on the second row

As they listened to, the teacher say Goodmorning to the class and said the usual routine of the morning then announced that they're will be a new student.

Then said "new student please raise your hand"

Y/n raised his hand, which got the whole class attention as y/n stood and walked towards the bored and took the chalk, and started writing his name

"Watashi wa Makino Y/n &
l'm 18 year's old, i like anything & i don't anything in particular either it depends on what l'm interested in"

Alright class, do you have any questions? The teacher asked as he looked at the class many raised they're hand as sumia & y/n sweatshop at them

How about you a teacher point to a random student as he stood up and said

"What you're Motivation?"

"My mom,aunt,uncle and old unit mates and An-chan & may other along the way" y/n wrote on the bored

The student nodded as he seated back then the teacher pointed at another student as he stood up and said stuttering

"I-I wanted, t-to asked you two questions actually if can"

The teacher looked at y/n for consent as he looked back at the teacher and nodded as a yes

Y/n gives nodded at the student

"First it, what you're quote"

"We'll, i have two quotes that I've learned from two wise people is that
One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger & we learn little victory much from defeat " y/n wrote as the student's read y/n quotes in an awe

"And for my, second question is...what kinda of sweets is you're favorite"

Y/n blinked, a few seconds as sumia had an annoyed looked at his classmate
As y/n turned back ad wrote something

"We'll, if sweets then mochi & dangos i guessed"

Is what y/n writes in the bored,

Alright student's i think that's enough question students, we need to start class now mr. Makino take you seated where you we're replied the teacher

Y/n nodded as he take his seat back



NOTE: The reason why y/n writes in bored instead of talking cause he felt nervous and intimidated by the stares of students, it's not like he's used but these students are different from his previous school



First period was done, as y/n stretched his arms up to y/n the class so far wasn't bad but really tiring him for some reason

"Hey y/n, want to go get a drink to get rid of you're tiredness?" Asked Sumia as he noticed his bestfriend tired expression as he looked up at him and nodded

The two got up and walked out of the homeroom, they've got 30 minutes before another period could start again

As they walked, sumia suddenly bumped into someone

"Watch where you–Sakai-dono!" Y/n looked at the person sumia bumped into called out to him, he 2was average height and build. He has long dark purple-colored hair, tied back in a ponytail with a white band, leaving two stray locks of hair fringing his face. His hair reaches about his mid back when tied up.

as sumia looked at the person, seeing it was his kohai Souma Kanzaki a second year

"O-oh kanzaki, didn't see you there here let me help you up" sumia said as he got up and put out a hand for souma to grab into as souma accepted his senpai hand as sumia pulled him up

Getting souma up, after the getting up souma noticed y/n appearance before saying in complete shocked & excited tone "y-you're Makino y/n! Part of
美しい花 unit with Sakai-dono!"

As y/n, looked dumbfounded at the boy as he breath out "E-Eh?" Making sumia shakes his head and replied "you've got that right kanzaki he's with me"

Then souma bowed and said "it's an honor to meet, you in person Makino-dono!" Making y/n more confused

"Kanzaki, do me a solid & just call him by first name he dosen't mind it" sumia said as he took y/n hands and started to walked away from with as souma looked at the two with wide eyed but nodded


as the two finally, made it to the cafeteria as they entered the cafeteria many looked at them in awe and started whispering to each other

"Isn't those two member's of, 美しい花 unit"

"Yeah, they are they looked so cool i want to take a picture of them"

"Wait, by he looks of it they're third year's"

"What was they're names again?"

"You idiot, don't even know the name we'll they're Sakai Sumia & Makino

"Maybe 美しい花 unit might come, back from they're debut"

Y/n and sumia just ignored they're whispering and continued on walking

But yet, they've bumped into someone but this time, y/n was the one who bumped into someone but sumia catch y/n from the back before he could fall

"A-Arigatōgozaimashita sumi-san" y/n thanked sumia who nodded and pushed him back on his feet as two looked who y/n bumped into boy he looked like a first year and looked like an average boy with an average build. He has short blond hair and bright green colored eyes. He wears the school's uniform

"Gomen'nasai!" Y/n quickly said but quietly as before the person could respond back or even stand up y/n quickly took sumia hand and ran away

Not wanting to, get in trouble


Kisumi: that's all for Chapter five my previous sunshine reader's Gomen'nasai that this is short Kizu-Aniki did he's best for thi Chapter

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