Chapter Three

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After finishing lunch Fatgum took me back to the office to change into my hero suit. When I exited the room Fatgum studied my outfit. "Are those platforms compartments of nectar?" He asked curiously. "Yes, in case of emergency. However, I have more accessible compartments strapped to my legs." I explained. "The compartments below it are poison so careful not to ingest those." I warned.

"That's very helpful. Thank you, Sato." Fatgum replied. We walked out together and patrolled for six hours. Nothing really intresting happened luckily. Only some kids bullying others which we broke up at the park and sent them off. By the time we made it back inside my body was sore. I groaned stretching as we walked back inside. "I'm glad today went without incident." I said breaking the silence.

I looked over to see Fatgum's face contorted in thought. "What's the matter Fatgum?" I asked. "It just seemed too quiet today. Usually crime dies down right before something major. You know the saying 'Calm before the storm.' something similar to that." Fatgum explained. "That makes sense. Hopefully, that isn't the case." I reassured him.

I went back to my office to change into my everyday clothes and conjured another two jars of nectar for Fatgum. "Fatgum." I said pushing open his office door with my back since I couldn't knock since my hands were full with the two jars. When I turned around to face him he was unzipping his jacket and his dad bod was on full display however sized down slightly from todays patrol and his fluffy blonde hair on display with his hood down.

I turned my back to him and choked on my spit. "I- uh- I'll leave these here. I'm really sorry I should have knocked but my hands were full-." I said rushing out my words. Fatgum chuckled and interrupted my tangent. "Really, Sato. It's just fine. You can leave the jars there. I understand. Thank you." He said smoothly. My heart was beating so fast and my face was flushed as I scurried out of the room without looking at him.

I sat back at my desk with my hands over my face. I groaned not able to shake the mental image. His stomach was spilled over his pants and although it wasn't defined you could tell there was muscle under there. He's like a giant teddy bear. This is my boss for Christ sakes pull yourself together. I grabbed my bag and sped walk out of there before hearing Fatgum call my name. I cringed and wanted to curl in a ball as I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face him with a forced smile.

"Will you join me for lunch again tomorrow? We can go wherever you'd like." He said smiling. His jacket was left open and I was fighting the urge to collapse on the spot so I kept an uncomfortable eye contact with him. "Yes, that would be lovely. Perhaps some ramen will do us good." I said.

"See you tomorrow then, kid." He said ruffling my hair and jogging back down the hall to his office. I touched my hair gingerly trying to process how fine this man was.

Time skip

The next day went by just the same with me finishing my paperwork, Fatgum filling me to the brim with food, and a uneventful patrol.

"So, what are your plans for your day off tomorrow?" Fatgum asked curiously. "Probably catch up on sleep. I'm really sore." I told him honestly. "Let me help." He said before coming behind me and gently massaging all of the kinks out of my shoulders. "No- no... really... it's fine ..." I trailed of because of how relieved I felt with all of the tension in my shoulders relaxing. "What were you saying?" He chuckled.

"Are your hands magic?" I asked. "As far as I'm concerned I only have one quirk, Sato." He laughed. "Can I just be here forever." I mumbled out in bliss. Fatgum chuckled. Minutes went by with no words exchanged just the breaths of relief I'd exhale from the pain lightening. "Feel good?" He asked and all I could do was nod.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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