2. Pool Party

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authors note: (lol if you read ch 1 before 07/23/22 i did minor edits but reread if ya want!)

"No!" Dustin throws his hands up in the air and tosses his head back. He rolls a 4 causing his bard not to be able to trick the ogre looming over the party. Mike mutters a small shit under his breath and Gareth shakes his head.

Eddie sucks in his teeth, "Ooh, looks like you might anger this ogre. Shall you roll again? Maybe try playin' him a song, hmm? Bard?" He props his elbows on the table with his fingertips touching just in front of his face, eyes narrowed with a devilish grin.

The players of Hellfire are unbelievably predictable- Dustin always plays the overly charismatic bard.

"Don't do it, man. Lemme try to cast a spell. I can put him in a trance and we can hurry past 'em." Jeff stands up pointing to his chest. Jeff is the wizard who casts spells at every single inconvenience. No matter how small.

"I dunno. I mean, I still have some health. I could roll again and try to actually charm the ogre with a song?" Dustin ponders out loud.

"I have arrows. I'll shoot him!" Gareth shouts. Gareth is typically the stoic fighter with a manly weapon of some sort.

"No! Let Jeff cast the spell!" You throw your hand out toward Jeff to your right. "It's the best option we have. Arrows aren't gonna do shit here!"

Others nod in agreement. You are the group's shapeshifting cleric. Though, shapeshifting doesn't seem to be the best move to get away from this ogre now that he's angry. He's got the party trapped in a cave, ready to kill and eat anything in his path while guarding the only exit to their escape.

"But I can try t-" Dustin is cutoff by Jeff rolling his own die across the table.

Everyone silences to watch it bounce once on the tabletop before falling to the floor. Mike, the druid, dives after it, trying to see the score, falling from his chair to the floor with a thump in the process. Jeff leans fully over the table to look as well, but slides the board with his hands making everyone's figure tumble over, which in turn shifts the board into Eddie's binders and notes, causing them to sway and fall from their stance.

"Aw, come on guys!" Gareth shouts. In all the chaos, the binders also cause his soda to spill down his shirt and into his lap when he leaps up.

"'Kay, let's just take a break?" Eddie lets out a harsh huff, clearly frustrated, picking up the notes that he worked so hard on for so long that scatter to the floor.

You let out a breathy sigh before standing. You stretch your limbs a bit, pulling and leaning to release the tension that has built in your muscles over the past few hours.

Then, an idea pops in your head so you walk over to your bag, and dig around a moment before pulling out your bikini top. "What if we take a swim break?"

The guys spin their heads in your direction. "Right now? It's like, two in the morning!" Dustin shoots a disbelieving look.

"Well, it is spring break. No rules, remember?!" You twirl your top in the air around your finger with an arched brow.

"But what about the game?" Gareth asks while patting his shirt with bunched-up paper towels.

"We can't stop now!" Jeff says, placing his die back on the table next to his fallen wizard. He's probably the most honest player here. He twirls his die until he finds the number it landed on, setting it on the table.

"We're so close! If we can figure out how to defeat the ogre, then we-" Lucas, the barbarian always trying to take charge, starts.

Lucas is another member of The Hellfire Club who joined the campaign only a couple of hours ago. He's on the basketball team, so he had practice right after school today. Which makes no sense to you, but then again, you never really cared for sports to begin with, let alone keep up with their practice schedules.

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