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When we get back to Nicks his mum is home but she's already in bed, so we say goodnight to his mum then go back to the pillow fort. We watch some of our favorite movies together. Then out of nowhere Nick asks...

 "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"


"Answer char this is serious"

"Um yea of course I would"

"Char? That wasn't an exact yes." he says tilting his head down like he's upset

"Aww come here baby I love you so much and if it makes you feel better yes, I would still love you if you were a worm. And I would still love you if you were a piece crap that how much I love you." I say while giving him a kiss until he pulls apart to say

"I don't believe you" he says with a grin

 "You're a dick and don't believe me I don't care that just gives me an excuse to say I love you even more. I love you so so so so much. I don't deserve such an amazing boyfriend like you! I can't wait to have our own house together then we could live together forever with no problems just you and me forever." I say with my chin on Nicks head while hugging him

"I love you so so so so so much and don't forget the dogs"

"How could I forget about the dogs oh and Ollie wanted me to ask you if we were getting married!"

"UM YES I mean if you want to but like in a few years like after university."

"No I definitely don't want to get married to the love of my life the one who I just spent all afternoon with and the one who I just was talking about how much I love the for like five minutes straight but yes I mean like in a few years not right now even though I want to right now but the wait will be worth it in the end."

"Me too but just think we can do more after uni and when we mover together"

"I love you" i say

"I love you more" he says

"I know" I say back while smiling

He leans in for a kiss and I kiss him back then the kiss gets longer and more intense then...yea you probably get the point. 

              [Incert epic smut scene]
                                                                          •The End•

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