Fear Of Judgement | Oscar X Reader

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(I'm in love with this woman omfg. Also I apologize in advance for how cringey (Y/N) is in this story.)

The night was so dark it looked like everything was in black and white as (Y/N) looked around herself. Laying on her bed, her two hands under her head, she wondered if she wanted to try to sleep or spend a sleepless night. So far, she hadn't been able to fall asleep, even after trying for hours. Maybe it was the air around her, this hot air that was almost hard to breathe and made her feel uncomfortable.

Or maybe it was her thoughts. One could say that the thoughts in (Y/N)'s brain were a mess, but in reality, they were all directed to the same thing. The same person. The same long, blonde curls. The same perfectly shaped face. The same eyes that were very little expressive. The same thin lips that didn't form a smile on that beautiful face as often as they should.

Both the hot air and the person on her mind made (Y/N) need to get out of here and do something to think about something else. Her body felt heavy as she got out of her bed and tiptoed her way through the house. In the biggest silence, she got to the kitchen and got a glass of water. The water wasn't fresh, but (Y/N) figured out it would do the trick.

After wandering in the house for a while, she stopped by a window, which she decided to open to feel some fresh air. It was summer and the weather at daytime was unbearably hot, but it was pleasant to stick one's head out of the window at night, when it was colder.

Keeping her glass of water in her hand and sipping it every so often, (Y/N) looked at everything that she could see outside. The moonlit distant landscapes weren't able to keep her attention for long, however, and her eyes went back to the stars. The face of the person that was haunting her was gone, and now she was focused on the shining constellations that she could recognize in the dark sky.

"What are you doing awake at this hour?"

The voice that had just spoken startled (Y/N), to the point where she almost screamed. If the person had been closer to her, she might just have had a heart attack. But after turning around, (Y/N) was relieved to find her friend, the owner of this house.

"By the gods, Oscar, don't scare me like that!" she sighed, a hand on her chest.

The blonde woman let out a little laugh and slowly came closer to her. "I apologize. I didn't mean to startle you." As she got closer to the window, the moonlight lit up her face more and more, and (Y/N) got to see her little smile. She had the reflex to smile too. Oscar wasn't an extremely cheerful woman, so whenever she was in a good mood and it showed, it was hard not to be. "But you haven't answered my question," she resumed. "Why are you up this late at night?"

"I couldn't sleep. Since you're here, I'm guessing you had the same problem?"

"That's true."

"I don't want to give you orders, but I think it's a worse thing for you than for me if you don't sleep. You are the colonel of the king's guard, everyday is a busy day for you."

"I have more energy than you seem to think," Oscar chuckled. "It's not like I will fall asleep all of a sudden and make everyone think I'm sick if I stay up a couple of more minutes."

(Y/N) smiled. "I guess you are right."

She did not turn around to face the window again, thinking it would look like she was ignoring Oscar. So she leaned against the wall and continued to drink her water. But there was not much to drink anymore. She had already almost emptied the glass. Pretty quickly, she walked away to go back to the kitchen and leave the glass there. "Well, I think I should go to sleep now," she told Oscar. "Unlike you, I do feel tired sometimes."

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