Start from the beginning


You muttered before continuing on your way.

My mind's playing tricks on me. I had a night, Nick got hurt...I'm just tired.

Clue Found

Creepy Whispers

When you made it to the right door, you heard voices you recognized as Dylan and Ryan's coming from inside. Knocking as to not scare them, you pulled open the door and entered. They both turned to you. Dylan was standing in front of the gun on the wall, Mr H always loved that thing, while Ryan was by the telephone on the desk. 



"Have you two called for help yet?

You asked, joining Ryan behind the desk. 

"We were just about to."

Ryan took the handset and looked from you to Dylan. 

"Uh...Mr H?"

Dylan turned around to come over. You shook your head.

"Won't work. This phone is the only number we have of his."

"Okay then, ninety-one-one."

You furrowed your burrows at the unfamiliar wording before you finally understood what he meant.

"Dylan, did you mean nine one one?"

He looked at you as if that were obvious and normal.

"Yeah, ninety-one-one."

"Who says ninety-one-one?"

Your other companion asked. The brunette looked down at his feet.

"I dunno..."

"Anyway, yeah, but like what should I ask for? Like police? Ambulance?"

"Huh...Never thought of that. Ambulance for Nick, obviously, and..."

"Do we have to be specific? Can't you just say 'Help! Help!'"

"Yeah uh...That's one of the number one thing's you're not supposed to do on a 911 call. Just say 'Help! Help!'" You put a hand on Dylan's shoulder. "But you do have a point. Just say something like 'Our friends got attacked in the woods by some animal, one of them is hurt, and two of our other friends got attacked by some mystery guy.'"

Ryan nodded slowly.

"So they'll say: '911, what's your emergency?' and I'll say 'Help, help, my friends may have been attacked by a bear, or maybe not a bear but definitely an animal with teeth and we're not sure how many there are out there right now- or how smart they are so they may be mounting an attack on us right now. Oh and also there's this psycho guy setting off traps in the woods and dousing people in blood so just like send a whole bunch of ambulances just to be sure.'?"

"Yeah, yeah- That's- That's good."

Dylan affirmed you sighed.

"Whatever you're gonna say just please say it clearly and calmly, otherwise this is gonna come off like a drunk teenage prank."


Ryan dialed in the number and put the handset up to his ear. It didn't even take a minute for his face to turn into one of worry and confusion.

"What's wrong?"


Ryan said. 

"Dead? How's it dead?"

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