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My name is Snowii, and my inbox is OPEN! I'm also known as @miss_snowtea !

I don't have a ship preference, so romantic roleplays are open! 

I'm not opposed to NSFW roleplays either!

(it was made for Valentine's Day, I didn't feel like starting another.)

Sai sat near his window, a canvas set up and paints neatly mixed. It was a few days from Valentine's Day. Sai wanted to make something for the occasion. They said Valentine's Day was a way to show people you loved them. But Sai wasn't sure he'd put his feelings under love. He could faintly remember the fullness of his heart, the laughter that played in his ears, and the pure moments of content. But he hadn't felt like that in years and he couldn't blame anybody but himself. He cut out the happiness and hollowed his own heart because the pain was too much. It doesn't hurt as much as he believes he remembers back then. But he couldn't love anybody like he loved his niisan. His heart was pulled out of his and tread on, shattering under the weight that made his eyes water and his chest feel tight.

Sai inhaled sharply, the crisp morning air shocking his lungs enough to pull him out of his thoughts. He couldn't go over the tipping point, he was trying to paint something. His canvas was still completely blank and the black paint was starting to dry on his brush. Usually he had enough ideas to think of a piece before he made it or he could at least make it look decent as he went. But he was at a loss for what to do about Valentine's Day. He enjoyed the new holidays he had the privilege to celebrate, and tried his best to take part in them. Why was this one so different?

After a few more minutes of staring at his empty canvas, Sai put up his paint and packed away his brushes. There was no use in letting them dry out. If you don't have inspiration, you find it. 

SAI ROLEPLAY: a guide ❤︎Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant