The Society Gets a Letter

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Matias himself, too, had an experience in his youth. For one year he had lost his poor grandmother to pneumonia; but every night in the fall, around midnight, her mournful spirit would appear in the nursery and rock herself gently in the rocking chair, as she had always done when she'd sit Matias on her lap and tell him stories.

It was with these paranormal events and the unknown admiration for the supernatural in their lives that bonded our heroes together; and had sought these jobs to overcome their past fears and take the ghastly forces of the dead head on.

Such it was, while Matias was about to beat Casey in a fourth match of billiards, that the secretary came to the room.

"Mr. O'Daly, Mr. Barrington, the Chairman wants to see you in his office," she said to them sweetly as they both looked at her in surprise, and then at each other.

"What do you think the chairman would want with us?" Casey asked his friend as they set down their sticks and followed the secretary to the chairman's office.

"God knows", Matias had returned chuckling. "I doubt it'll be anything important. Probably the old walrus needs us to run an errand and get more champagne for the parlor. Hah! I see your face, Casey. You needn't worry so much, lad. It's not like we're gonna be terminated."

Casey's cheeks had flushed a soft red of embarrassment. He tried to laugh away his worry. "Yeah. You're probably right, Matias. Must be the brandy talking that's got all my nerves tensed."

"We'll go out for lunch after we talk to the chairman, Ole chap. That will calm the nerves," Matias said patting Casey's back reassuringly, in hopes of cheering up his friend with the prospect of food, since he knew his companion was quite a lover of eating as some men do with drink.

Before Casey could respond, they had arrived into the chairman's large office and he stood there with the opened letter in his hands. His burly mustache bounced up and down like a caterpillar as he spoke.

"Ah. O'Daly and Barrington. Glad you could come. I've got something important for you", he said to them as they sat down at the chairs across his desk. The chairman then handed Matias the letter.

"Read that letter aloud, if you would please." He simply stated.

Matias and Casey looked at each in confusion but Matias looked at the letter and read aloud the following:

"To Alador Bates; Chairman of The Haunted Gents Society, London.

I am writing this to you in deepest request that I acquire your assistance immediately. I am a God abiding man and have been to church every Sunday to confess my sins to the confessional booth, yet why God has punished me in this way, and that the Devil sends his evils to my home, I will not understand even if I tried.

I am the owner of a large mansion in the country, a couple miles past Dorset. Harvestspell Manor is it's name and I am the last in line of the Harvestspell family. My wife and I have been living in my ancestral home since our courting days and we had never had any trouble until about twenty years ago.

I do not know whether it is my fancy, or if it is truly the other worldly works of Satan, but my wife and I have been subject to terrible noises and frightening sights for the past two decades. Though my wife argues she doesn't see anything and thinks me mad, I feel that she lies and does see what I see and hear..I have tried the church and they would not help, and have also tried mediums from Dorset, yet always have failed me or turned out to be frauds. I am at a loss of what to do.

If you would but please come, or send someone, up to my home and relieve me of these cursed terrors of the house, I would be most utterly grateful. I am willing to pay any amount you offer.

Sincerely, Bradford Harvestspell"

"An interesting letter, wouldn't you say, fellows?" Chairman Bates had spoke once Matias had finished reciting the letter.

"Quite sir," Casey replied. "But what does this letter have to do with me and Matias?"

"Why. It is your assignment," the chairman said simply, as he sat down in his chair again. The utter surprise of the junior investigators was unmistakably genuine.

"You mean to say that we're finally getting a case of our own?!" Matias exclaimed.

"Indeed. It's been about time you two had gotten out to the field of ghost hunting and I feel like this will be a perfect opportunity for you." He replied while lighting a cigar.

"I have already sent a letter in reply to Mr.Harvestspell that I will agree in lending the Society's aid in his problem and of that of the sum he will pay you two for the Society. I want you two catch the first train the day after tomorrow to Dorset and see what is troubling Mr.Harvestspell." Chariman Bates soon held out his hand to seal the deal.

"We cannot begin to thank you enough, Mr. Chairman! We'll be sure to contact you once we arrive" Casey said in earnest, shaking his hand.

"Excellent. Now you two better pack whatever equipment you need for the trip. And mind that you don't muddle the case", he said with a rather annoyed look. For he knew from previous years of junior investigators always managing to complicate things.

"We won't sir. Thank you sir" Matias replied.

With that, our heroes left the office with gay spirits and excitement as they plodded off towards the nearest cafe for lunch; in celebration of their first case on the field.

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