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(just a nicer version of Billy, okay)

(y/n pov)

I decided to go as a sexy cat this year, well without my mom knowing of course. I slipped into my pantyhose and put my boots on, putting on a black leotard. I applied red lipstick and mascara, put moose in my hair, and viola a sexy cat. I put on a big coat and ran out the door. I finally got my license, so I could drive myself to the party. After a few minutes I arrived at Tina's house, the house boomed with music and teens filled the place. I went inside, and the smell of alcohol and smoke hit my nostrils. Saying hi to a few friends, I needed a pick-me-upper. I went to the drink station and bumped with a guy.

"Shit, sorry," I said pouring a cup of punch, probably spiked.

"No worries, kitten." Smirked the guy

I looked at him, he had a mullet with pretty eyes, and wow that toned chest, "Meow."

I instantly regretted what I said, and the guy chuckled

"Names Billy." said Billy taking a chug of his beer, "I haven't met you huh."

"I'm (y/n). And I guess you're the new bad boy everyone's talking about."

"I guess so. I haven't heard anything about you, why?" asked Billy

"Well, guess that's a good thing. See ya." I said taking sips of my drink and walking away.

I knew Billy and I was not going to get along or worse we were going to be toxic. A few hours into the party I started feeling the drinks, the room was spinning, and I was feeling some way. I sat down on the sofa, next to a couple making out. I heard a familiar laugh, I looked up and saw Billy.


"Nothing, just you're squished by horny teens," said Billy

"Oh, like you aren't a teen," I said leaving the other word out.

"Here, let me help you go outside. You need fresh air," said Billy helping me stand up

That was a huge mistake, I felt dizzy and almost tripped before Billy caught me. I gave him a small smile as we headed outside. We found a lonely space and sat down. I put my head down, letting my stomach calm down.

"First time drinking?" asked Billy taking a hit from his cigarette

"Does it look like my first time?"

Billy nodded, "Don't throw up on me."

"I won't." I laid back on the chair and felt myself doze off.


I woke up with a pounding headache and my stomach groaning for food. I rolled over and felt unfamiliar blankets, I opened my eyes, and they widen as I saw this wasn't my room. I started panicking, I got up and tripped over something, I looked, and it was Billy sleeping on the floor.

"Mm, good morning drunk," said Billy, he was laying down with his arms behind his head, shirtless.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." I said. "Did we-did I? My mom's going to be pissed!"

"Sweetheart, in your dreams. We didn't do anything. You ended up falling asleep, so I took you home, I didn't know where you lived so I figured you'd be safer here." said Billy standing up

I calmed my breathing down, "Thank you, Billy. Um, I guess I'll go now."

I walked out into his front yard and tried figuring out which way to go, I've lived in Hawkins all my life, but this headache wasn't helping. I heard the door slam behind me, and Billy came out smoking another cigarette.

"Those will kill you; you know? A pretty boy like you doesn't need bad lungs."

"Get in my car, I'll take you home," said Billy putting out his cigarette

I nodded and got in his car, sweet ride, "Nice car."

"Got it with my own money." smiled Billy as he tapped on his wheel

(Time skip)

Billy parked on my street; I was dreading going inside. I cracked my fingers nervously and finally opened the door.

"Thank you, Billy, for everything."

"Anytime, handle your liquor better," said Billy driving off

I smiled, he wasn't such an asshole like everyone was saying, or was I wrong?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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