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Name: Ciel
Birthday: March 7
Family: His wifes Stella and Camila, his daughter Katrina and his children Ivan and Edgar
Backstory: He grew up moving from place to place and was lonely a lot cause of it as he never wants to movie so his children don't go through the loneliness he did
Friends: Wyatt, Victoria, Nova, Lincoln, Luna, Haru, Boyd, Sophia, Wendy, Joey, Karla, Julienne, Jaxon, Warren and Addison
Likes: His family, his friends, LGBTQ+ his job, teaching, kids, music, working out, history, nature, books, animals, and being around people
Dislikes: People who hurt the people he cares about, bullies, people who hate LGBTQ+, losing his job, Karen's, moving, math, being lazy, the dark, pollution, dangerous people, animal abusers and being alone
Occupation: A elementary school teacher
Sexuality: Straight, demiromantic and polyamorous
Wifes: Stella and Camila
Crushes: Stella and Camila
Gender: Male/cisgender
Pronouns: He/him
Age: 28
Oc squad: Smart
Species: Bunny
Powers: Can hop and jump fast and has stronger smell and hearing
Fears: Losing the people he cares about, moving, the dark and being alone
Personality: Kind, smart, helpful, loyal, calm, fatherly, flirty at times, puts others before himself, honest most of the time, stubborn at times, rarely gets angry, rarely gets scared, brave and strong

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