"This was fun," Marcia smiled, her hair was slightly tousled, and she looked beautiful. For someone who loved to be with her hair fully tamed, surely a few tousled locks were going to be to her displeasure, but I was already mentally prepared to insist to her that it looked perfect.

"Where are we going now?" Kyle asked, prancing around. Since he'd gotten out of the car he'd seemed overly excited about the experience.

"To the bumper cars," Travis proposed, "and (Y/N), you should drive one of those bumper cars this time, it's time you have some fun too."

"Why thank you," I giggled, "who's going with me?"

"My mom will go with you, and I'll go with Kyle. You should spend some alone time together anyway," he proposed.

"Well, please be very careful with your brother, don't be as rough as you were in the Go Karts. Don't think I didn't see you, mister," she pointed her finger at him.

"Yes, mom," he agreed.

We headed for the bumper cars as we had arranged. There weren't many people there yet, so we would have to wait for more to arrive to make it more fun. I was in the driver's seat in the bumper car, and Marcia sat next to me. Travis and Kyle were in the car in front of me.

Marcia settled her bag on her lap and I remembered that was where the polaroid camera was. Before this whole stunt started, we could take a perfect picture just as we were.

I grabbed the older woman's bag and pulled out the camera, "excuse me, would you be so kind as to take a picture of us?" I turned to the worker at the entrance of the game.

He nodded, taking the camera and then closing one eye and pointing it at the four of us, "alright. One, two and three!" Once the cartridge was out of the camera, he pulled it out and carefully handed both to me.

"Thank you very much," I said politely.

Eagerly, I shook the cartridge, waiting for it to quickly show what it had captured.

"Travis is right, about spending time alone together, what do you say tomorrow at 8PM? I'll drop the kids off with their dad and take you somewhere nice," Marcia whispered in my ear.

"Oh, are you asking me out on a date, Miss Clark?" I inquired, and she bit her lip.

"Sure, we've never had one," she confirmed. Picking up the camera to put it back in her bag.

"I'd be honored to go on a date with you."

The picture finally developed, and I had to cover my mouth to keep from crying at what I was looking at. It was perfect. Marcia let her radiant smile show at its best, and Travis and Kyle were hugging each other with wide grins in front of us as well.

"I love you so, so, so much," the brown-haired woman spoke, leaning over my shoulder, "look at us, we look beautiful. This picture is going straight to the fridge."

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to make you and your lovely children happy. These last few days have been the greatest of treasures."

We were so immersed in our world, that we were startled when the car we were in started moving, making us laugh.

Marcia took it upon herself to point out anyone she saw slightly off guard for me to bump into, and we were bumped too, mostly by Travis and Kyle, hearing their laughter along with that of the other kids all over the place.

Where Is The EdgeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon