Chapter 2: The Meeting

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Summary: You collect your friends and seek their help on a matter too stressful to handle on your own.

Warning(s): Swears
Word Count: 3,782

Warning(s): SwearsWord Count: 3,782

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"Okay, well, how about after work; we all try to help you come up with a decision together?" Anne suggests, crinkling up her food wrapper and tossing it into the trash now that she's done eating

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"Okay, well, how about after work; we all try to help you come up with a decision together?" Anne suggests, crinkling up her food wrapper and tossing it into the trash now that she's done eating.

"Yeah, I guess I'll call a meeting for it later. After all, my choice affects you guys too. And even if it didn't, brainstorming with you all will do me some good 'cause I still have no idea what the hell I'm gonna do."

You return to leaning your upper body on the table, balancing act on the chair's back legs reminding you too much of your teetering position in this war. Your chair groans in protest with the shift of weight, a sound you're half tempted to copy if it wouldn't eradicate the last thread of dignity you have. "I wish they could have just left me alone. I don't want a part in Wednesday's childish grudge match."

"So, in other words," Jake leans back in his seat, arms crossing over his chest as he pieces together your explanation, "this whole war is just these gods fighting for dominance."

"Ding, ding, ding. We have a winner." You spin your finger in the air, eyes meeting Jake's so that he can see just how ridiculous this whole situation is.

At the look on your face and your affirmation of his comment, his own expression morphs into a sneer, "Damn, gods are fucking annoying...uh no offense."

His angered look shifts to one of awkwardness when he unintentionally insults you. He's always been the type to speak and only think after the words are out in the open. Though even when you're the subject of those comments, his unawareness never fails to make you smile.

Patting his arm to show that you're unaffected by his remark, you try to soothe his newly arisen nerves. "No offense taken, Jake."

His rather dramatic sigh of relief is interrupted by Anne, face twisted in worry as she leans closer to be heard over him. Her words come out close to a whisper as if a tone any louder would shatter the slowly improving moment. "Have you talked to Louis or Crystal about this?"

"No, not yet; it happened after I left here. I went to Sketches and Shots first, and I was supposed to go to 'Scene It Up!' right after dropping off the food, but then we started talking about my little problem." You avert your eyes from hers, studying your watch to read the time portrayed there. "I should probably head there now, though. It's almost 5, and we all know how Crystal gets if I'm late."

"Of course, we wouldn't want a repeat of the New Year's party. Though while you're out, try to relax a little bit. We'll be at the cabin at 8, so you can save all you're worrying for then." Anne stands to join you on your side of the table.

Knowing her intention and really needing it right about now, you stand as well just as she encases you in her arms. You return the hug in earnest, letting the stress melt from your bones at the affectionate gesture.

A hand is rested on your upper arm, and you prop your chin on her shoulder to come face to face with Jake. "We'll be here for you no matter what side you pick; (First Name)."

His uncharacteristically soft voice further calms your nerves. You let out a quiet sigh, one no longer weighed down by your apprehensions. After all, you aren't alone in this. You were telling the truth when you said that the decision affects them just as much as it does you. As such, it's only fair that they get a part in making that decision as well. This, in turn, spreads the burden between all of you until it's easier to manage, no longer leaving the outcome to torment just one person's psyche.

Nodding at him in appreciation, you pull back from the hug. "Thanks, you two. None of you know how sane you all keep me."

"Wait, you're sane?" Jake jokes, and with laughter filling the air, the rest of the tense atmosphere dissipates, if only for a little while.

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